Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Know it for sure

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Know it for sure that Atman resorts in heart, hard to believe yet a truth that ultimate,

Physical heart that a biological entity is not the truth of heart that maintains its vast reality of eternity and overshadow the intellect and mind in series, 

Mind fluctuate in between intellect and extrovert reality of self to imbibe the best to nourish the ego, the very cause of individuality and existence of soul,

As the mind attains to purity and gets sanctified, it helps spirit to relocate self within heart for Atman Darshan, Atman darshan is the truth of being attained to self that a state in fair glimpse of ultimate heart Master 

Jai Mahadev