Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Sunday, August 25, 2024


 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Time and again, krishna has revealed his truth as a universal preceptor for the welfare of his disciplines, devotees and aspirants, and manifested his live teachings from the truth of Nature man belongs to and live with, 24 chapter that directly relates to life, few mains are here for refrence_

Learn patience from Earth, non attachment from wind, purification from water, power to destroy evil from fire, living for good of others from sun, indifference towards the world from pahton, danger of temptation from moth, desirability of collecting good from bees, the need to conquer the instinct of sex and taste from elephant and fish, need to conquer desire, from a courtesan, necessity of living alone, to progress in inner life from  a girl,,  disinterested service from trees, truth of amalgamation from rivers, Live truth of inspiration from rising sun, and compatible reality from the sunset, dancing girl in that obscure truth of society may teach hidden lessons more precisely, mountains speaks a lot without words unto truth of consistency, so is the truth of rains, and much more, 

There is no great teacher as time with its silent truth, it covers all from bodage to beatitude, there no healer as that of time for the wounds of life,

Krishna reveals that all, which is party to life in journey of embodied soul on the planet, just to facilitate the men to make it as pilgrimage,

Jai Mahadev