Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Inert evolution

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Color is nothing but dispersion of light, and light belongs to the sun, rest is its reflection in various forms,

Life in any form, either sentient ot insentient are inclusive aspects of supreme reality that none other than God, like that of colors and the light,

All living beings put together are sentient reality of supreme personality, lifeless matter that pervading the universe even beyond the perceptive skill of mind and intellect is insentient reality of supreme personality, 

Inert evolution of both aspects are continue in both ways, spirit and matter in congenial flux make its sprout in its own accord, with limited access to life, all beings have limited approach to make hence bound to indulge in a never ending cycle of nature but Man, man is a peak state of eternal evolution and krishna conscious may help spirit to maintain this eternal dignity through varying discipline available with, devotees and aspirants may make good use of opportunity available in the name of Sri Krishna Janmashtami,

Jai Mahadev