Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sri Balarama Jayanti today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Balarama Jayanti today, also known in the name of Hal Shasti, an appearance day of Sri Balarama the elder brother of Lord Krishna, 

Indeed, a divine day from the laps of sri Krishna Cult, devotees rejoice in truth with cult of the day, especially in Brij Bhumi, and In Brij Bhumi Sri Vrindavan host this divinity in truth with respective oblations and rituals of the day,

A day to mark self in truth with Krishna cult on the eve of Sri Krishna Janmashtami that on coming monday, 

In celebration of the day that in spirit with, lies the great eternal peace in truth with serene cult of self which yields even greater welfare of eternal self, 

Jai Mahadev