Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Atman Darshan

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Youth age above the horizon of adolescence could be taken as golden age for many, 

Naturally it is a period of hope in faith with dream of success, endowed with strength and brimming with high end energy to win over the material world,

Defeat and failures found themselves in tough arena to induce dejection in those running with this age, optimism follows them eternally, and never allow them to give up easily, yet it needs the truth of realization at its optimize with to capitalize this age factor, 

Old age is a age with indifferent truth of life with mixed feeling and lack the wholesome truth of youthage but it possesses the light of realization to visualize the things in their true perspective to make it suitable, indeed hope cease to self in majority of cases and heath in subjugation of total compromise, yet individual may warm up self  in hope of dawn of the new horizon with a light a new, never let the circumstances and conditions rules the truth of age, be brave like youth to recult self in truth with sole cause of being man,

Jai Mahadev