Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Sunday, May 31, 2020


Jai sri Ganesha,
Truth is a unique chapter for man, 
Infinite is the glory of truth,
So is the truth of its Glory,
Truth and Yajna are two facets of the same entity,
Resultant of Yajna is truth,
Truth is embodiment of Yajna,
And it needs lot more sacrifice in fire,
Indeed an inherent reality of spirit,
Yet distant in flux of Maya,
Man wants truth in flavor of favor alone,
No one likes the real truth if in indifferent form,
Ultimate destiny of spirit is truth,
Man needs to realize it before sunset to realign with,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Jai Sri Maa

Jai Sri Maa

Jai Sri Maa

Jai Sri Maa

Jai Sri Maa

Jai Shani Dev

Hare Rama

Last quarter

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sri Uttarayana has entered in its last quarter and  heading fast for its other facet, indeed it has help the life even out of bounds and on way to rescue the life from deadliest afflictions following it since last winter due to resultant of indifferent truth at sky chart, mind of man mostly remains fail to visualize good done and very sharp to locate facing bad, In Uttarayana gracious sun has helped life midst of all odds and high end friction that was a challenge to life itself, and blessings of Legendary sun  is with life to experience good soon in very near future, perhaps with start of Dakhnayana, Sun is more than hope for life, ever help life in hidden and manifest form, edge on the intellect for safety factor, rescue life in direct mode at many pitfalls, 
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please   

Events to follow

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Events to follow in last week of Jyestha,
Today it is sri Dhumavati Jayanti, indeed an auspicious chapter to rejoice eternally, favorable being falls on Saturday, 
Next Monday, Sri Sri Ganga Dushera, a legendary day to realize the glory of goddess Ganga,
Next Tuesday, Sri Sri Nirjala Ekadasi, a comprehensive divine chapter to realize the importance of water on the planet,
Next Wednesday, Sri Pradosh-most relevant day to realize the truth of health that true wealth in journey,
Next Thursday, on the eve of sri Purnima to recall the truth of sacred Jyestha to match with self if to add corrective factor for any error,
Next Friday, the high tide day on the earth, a day for ocean to rejoice the glimpse of full moon, most suited occasion for Sri Satya Vrat, indeed a favorable charter for snana daan,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please  


Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sacred Jyestha has entered in its last week, 

Heading fast for its wonderful Purnima on next Friday,

Indeed on way to bless the life eternally,

Indeed it has given a lot in the form of teachings and truth to man in varying forms,

Indicating high end truth to man to align self in accordance with to sail safe,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Horizon of Maya

Jai Sri Ganesha,
O Manasa,
This universe is gross body of God,
Life in varying form represents his subtle truth,
Beyond the gross and the subtle,
It exist a spirit which swings in between mortal and immortal truth,
For the hidden cause of existence,
In the format of man alone,
Spirit can relocate self in context with supreme reality,
To rise above the horizon of Maya,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 


Jai Sri Ganesha,
O Manasa,
Enlighten souls may have cross the barrier of bondage,
Liberated souls have attained the will to tune the wish with,
Just to enter in the zone of serenity filled with unalloyed love,
Love that cause of blissful unification, 
Perhaps the truth of emancipation,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Be fair to self

Jai Sri Ganesha,
O Manasa,
Be fair to self,
Awake Arise and Approach,
Holy Saints,
Seek light to visualize truth,
Seek truth to reach at Self,
Seek grace for Atman Darshan,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please  

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

जीवन यात्रा

जय श्री गणेश 
यह जीवन यात्रा मानव के लिये किसी कठिन कार्य के कही अधिक कठिन है 
बालवस्था की अपनी कठिनता है पर यहाँ आशा परम सहायक है 
युवावस्था की कठिन परिस्तिथि में जीव मार्ग दर्शन हेतु कठिनता का अनुभव करता है  
प्रौढ़ावस्था में स्वयं को पाने की कठिनता एक जटिल समस्या है 
वृद्धावस्था में कठिन शारीरिक सत्य जीवन यापन हेतु शाप से काम नहीं 
इन सभी अवस्थाओं में शत्रु घात अकारण कठिनाई के रूप में प्रगट होता है,
भीतरी शत्रु रोग कारक होते है और बाहिरी शत्रु जीवन को अकारण अप्रत्यक्ष कठिनाई में डाल देते है 
जीवन में ज्यादातर शत्रु अपनों में से ही होते है जिन्हे समय पर पहचान पाना कठिन होता है 
तबपर भी मानव को आशावान होना चाहिए 
स्वयं से ज्यादा परमात्मा पर विश्वास होना चाहिए 
परमात्मा सभी पर कृपा करे 
कृपया धन्यवाद 


जय श्री गणेश 
धनहीन व्यक्ति का जीवन भौतिक जगत में किसी शाप से काम नहीं,
पर आवश्यकता से अधिक धन भी जीव को मानव जीवन की मूल सत्य से अलग कर देता है 
अत्यधिक धन अहंकार तो  देता ही है जीवन को व्यसन युक्त करने में अहम् भूमिका निभाता है 
यह दोनों ही तत्व जीव को पाप के मार्ग पर ले जाने की और अग्रसर करते है 
मानव को यह मूल सत्य समझना पड़ेगा कि 
धन से योग्यता का मूल्य अधिक है 
योग्यता से स्वाभाव का मूल्य अधिक है 
निर्मल स्वभाव मानव को विशुद्ध गति प्रधान  है 
परमात्मा सभी पर कृपा करे 
कृपया धन्यवाद 

पवित्र हृदय

जय श्री गणेश 
मानव जीवन की सफलता का सहज मार्ग है 
कि वह ह्रदय को पवित्र रखे 
पवित्र हृदय में देवताओ का आगमन अवश्य होता है 
जो आत्म बल प्रकाशन हेतु एक अटल सत्य है 
आत्म बल द्वारा जीव सहज ही विशुद्ध बुद्धि व् देह बल को प्राप्त होता है 
सम्पति वैभव समृद्धि व् ऐश्वर्य स्वयं वहा प्रगट होते है 
सांसारिक कठिनाइयों में विचलित न होने की रचनात्मक कला प्रगट होती है 
अंतकरण विशुद्धि से जीव आत्मसंतोष की गति पाकर धन्य होता है 
परमात्मा सभी पर कृपा करे 
कृपया धन्यवाद 


जय श्री गणेश 
देवता एक दिव्य स्थिति का नाम है, जो स्वयं में प्रकाशमान व् दिव्य अनुभूति के प्रकाशक है 
जो परमात्मा के सत्य से प्रगट हो कर उसकी रचना के सहायक होते है,
यह सहज ही द्रवित हो असीम करुणा दर्शाते है 
जीवो को अभावग्रस्त देव उनके साधन की व्यवस्था करते है 
अपनी सीमाओ में रह कर समय अनुसार जीव के सुख की संरचना करते है 
देवताओ का वैभव सदैव इनके साथ चलता है 
जहा इनका वास होता है वहा सभी सुख सम्पदा का वास होता है 
इनके आवाहन से दिव्य आहुति परिपूर्ण हो जीव के कल्याण के रचना करती है 
परमात्मा की कृपा से ही जीव को देवताओ का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त होता है,
मानव अपने जीवन काल में देव सामीप्य को सहज ही पा सकता है 
और यह एक दिव्य युक्ति है 
परमात्मा सभी पर कृपा करे 
कृपया धन्यवाद 

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Hare Rama


जय श्री गणेश 
सूर्य एक आत्मा कारक गृह है जो ९ लाख मील व्यास का  अग्नि पिंड स्वरूप आकाश में स्थित है, 
यह पृथ्वी से ११० गुना बड़ा है और पृथ्वी हेतु इसकी भावना अपार है पृथ्वी पर जीवन हेतु इसका स्नेह अपार है 
जिसकी अग्नि व् प्रकाश को तो प्रत्यक्ष रूप से अनुभव किया जा सकता है 
पर इसके अनंत गुण जो प्राण व् जीवन दायक है उनपर पहुंचना सहज संभव नहीं 
ब्रह्म संकल्प में यह महाप्राण के रूप में अवतरित है,
जीवन की बाहिरि व् भीतिरी सुव्यवस्था हेतु यह एक सुगम साधन है 
इसके परिवार के नौ ग्रह जीवन की रूप रेखा में सहायक है 
मूलतः यह मानव जीवन में आरोग्य, आयुष, तेज, ओज, बल उत्साह, स्फूर्ति आदि को रूप देता है 
अध्यात्म में यह मानव को त्याग तप श्रद्धा विश्वास दया उपकार प्रेम व् विवेक से विभूषित करता है 
पालन पोषण व् जीवन के दिव्य मूल्यों को प्रकशित करने वाला श्रेष्ट गृह है 
इसकी प्रत्यक्ष उपासना से मानव अपने जीवन को परिपूर्ण कर सकता है 
परमात्मा सभी पर कृपा करे 
कृपया धन्यवाद 


Jai Sri Ganesha,
Spirit manifest from ocean of knowledge and bliss for a hidden cause with truth of ego as fuel to start with journey which ever carrier it may be either animate of inanimate, but truth of human profile is unmatched and unique in self, This spirit manifest from and to merge with after compliance of hidden task as designed for, Creation of the creator is more eternal than anything else, yet under influence of Maya exhibit external orientation for reason best known to God alone, eternal flow of evolution and involution takes the form of life with subjugation of spirit that destined to meet the fate of knowledge and bliss at that shore of mundane ocean, 
May Lord bless all,
Thanks Please 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

O Manasa

Jai Sri Ganesha,
O Manasa,
Concentration could be a path to cure many mental disorders,
Positive concentration may help man to recover fast from the low points of depression,
Faculty of mind is there with man, 
Needs to activate it with truth of perceptive skill,
Nature may teach a lot unto truth of subject,
With fair concentration mind grows strong to react with challenges of journey to a limit, 
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please

Secret of success

Jai Sri Ganesha,
O Manasa,
Secret of success lies with perceptive skill unto subject,
Right choice may help immensely,
Yet success and failure are tilting facets of overhanging desire, 
Ultimate success or failure is declared at that shore by the providence irrespective of results of the scenario, spirit behind the cause and truth alone is evaluated there,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Encourage Self

Jai Sri Ganesha,
O Manasa,
Never discourage at any point of time,
It could be a detrimental to faculty of mind,
Ever encourage self with high end spirit,
Irrespective of all odds, 
Let mind focus on constructive truth,
Increase the power of mind through concentration, 
Hold ideal in faith with almighty truth, 
Carry on with journey itself is a winning note at realized pace,
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please 

Inherent joy

Jai Sri Ganesha,
O Manasa,
Vanquish the mind, 
Through practice of Yoga,
By muttering the true Name,
Through favorable mental occupation, 
Through Holy teachings,
Doubts and duality will cease to exist,
Pave the path for serenity,
To experience the inherent joy spirit bear with,
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please 

Hare Rama

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Culture of human life is to restraint self,
Indeed to glorify self for eternal cause,
That to activate self in context with celestial culture,
Adoration of celestial events in the light of truth,
That to rejoice eternally with truth of cause, 
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020



Curse of a Brahman

Hare Rama



fellowship of a Saint

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Path to Self

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Fair path unto self,
Efface egotism,
Be devoted to truth,
Cast off blemishes of body and mind,
Free from animosity against fellow beings,
Restraint self from Three,
Compassion at heart,
Faith in mercy of God,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Abstinence For man

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Life of a man is not just a pass,
Indeed a truth for a cause,
Which needs respective compliance, 
Many chapters to adore with,
Many for abstinence, 
Abstinence from desire to acquire which does not belongs to,
Abstinence from extra marital affairs 
Abstinence  from being the cause of killing, 
Abstinence from the intoxicating intake, 
Abstinence from being bullying to weak and meek, 
Abstinence from taking undue advantage of helpless, 
Better be late than to repent at later date,
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please 


Jai Sri Ganesha,
Concept of the marriage has made significant contribution to the truth of civilization with continuous growth of human culture to make the life of man meaningful with compliance of truth for the cause, marriage itself is a religious chapter if taken in true spirit to felicitate the Atman to experience the pre-unification state apart for pious activities in context with spirit and body in cooperation which yields the meaningful fruits of being man in journey, let man realize this truth and let this pious chapter away from dilution. 
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Weary on the way

Jai Sri Ganesha,
If weary on the way, have pause to recall the holy soul in thoughts, this will reveal eternal strength to come up for the journey with zest, when success seems out of reach spirit feel weary in most cases, success in life recharge the self irrespective of tired body and mind, but company of holy is more than just a vision of success, it eradicate the barriers of frustration, blessings from a holy saint on appreciate occasion  truly matters the spirit to rejuvenate self unto truth of the cause of journey,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please  

Monday, May 25, 2020


Jai Sri Ganesha,
Truth is inherent chapter of man, 
Man keeps quest for truth, 
but look for favors, 
Truth ever remains along with, 
Ever remains present in heart,
But shadow of falsehood create difference, 
To reach at truth it needs Purity and perseverance,
to perceive and realize at its sole end,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 


Jai Sri Ganesha,
When man worship his faith,
His faith like a little child keeps in mother,
And his faith is truth, 
He is bound to ascend within self for sky of serenity,
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please 

Inner quest

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Inner quest of an aspirants in journey,
let all aspirations inspire self for truth, 
Let it recognize the supreme reality with faith,
Let no one deceive self in journey, 
Let it aspire to love self and the cause,
Let it worship with inner light of truth,
Let it lead self to the truth of serenity,
Let it be inits inherent form of blissful union,  
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please 

Hide and seek

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Truth alone is the chapter which support the self in both facets of life,
Truth is more a light than the chapter which enlighten the spirit with its path,
Those fail to invoke self unto truth for cause and effect of the self in mundane world,
Fail to franchise self for the sole cause of being man,
Know the truth at its best, ever existing reality with intermittent pace and pitch, 
Hide and seek goes with self and truth, 
Self manifest truth goes, truth manifest self out, 
Self is more a spirit with Ego to establish entity apart truth,
and it cause the difference, as one realize the truth in context with self,
Aspirant achieve a winning note in heed and seek,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

मानव जीवन

जय श्री गणेश 
मानव जीवन के चार अहम् यज्ञ है,
सर्व प्रथम विद्या अध्ययन जो ज्ञान की परिसीमा तक जाता है,
दूसरा सत्यमय  जीवन जी आत्म दर्शन हेतु एक अहम् यज्ञ है,
तीसरा परोपकारी जीवन यह सत्यमय यज्ञ की एक शाखा है 
स्वयं व् प्रकृति के स्वरूप के प्रति सजग चेष्ठा 
और यह चारो यज्ञ एक दूसरे के पूरक है और 
जीवन में स्वास जनित अग्नि में इनकी आहुति दी जाती है 
जीवन के साथ ही यह यज्ञ पुरे होते है 
परमात्मा सभी पर कृपा करे 
कृपया धन्यवाद 

परमात्म तत्व

जय श्री गणेश 
आत्म निरीक्षण मानव मूल्यों का रहस्य निहित है,
यह सत्य की अनुलुपी में यज्ञ तुल्य हो जाता है 
यह एक अहम् विशुद्ध यज्ञ होकर आत्म  कल्याण  का कारण बनता है 
जो आगे चल कर आत्म दर्शन हेतु परम सहायक व् सिद्ध रूप लेता है 
जो परमात्म तत्व तक पहुंचने में सहयोगी होता है 
परमात्मा सभी पर कृपा करे 
कृपया धन्यवाद 

Supreme self

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Supreme self is omnipresent yet mystics and ascetics put-forth whole life to reach at, indeed heart of the man is a temple whereby spirit may relocate him with self yet a challenge to life, it is privilege and prerogative of man and man alone can make it to this chapter through eternal truth, as eternal truth is the source of light to enlighten the chamber of heart to have fair glimpse unto self and supreme reality in proximity with, 
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

सफलता का सत्य

जय श्री गणेश,
शुभ चिन्तन ही मानव जीवन की अमूल्य उपलब्धि है,
शुभ चिंतन आत्म चेतना का परम सेतु है 
यह शाश्वत व् भागवत मार्ग प्रकाशक है, 
इससे अलग यह आत्म खोज के सत्य का प्रतिबिम्ब है 
शुभ चिंतन में है मानव का कल्याण निहित है 
यह कोई अवस्था नहीं अपितु एक सत्य है 
जीव को जीवन में स्वयं को इसके अनुकूल करना होगा 
मानव जीवन की सफलता का सत्य भी है 
परमात्मा सभी पर कृपा करे 
कृपया धन्यवाद 

आत्म शक्ति

जय श्री गणेश 
देह शक्ति परम आवश्यक है,
पर मन की शक्ति के बिना तर्क संगत है 
मन की शक्ति की गरिमा अपार है पर आत्म शक्ति के बिना मूल्य हीन 
आत्म शक्ति का सम्बन्ध मात्रा आत्मा के सत्य से होता है 
यहाँ परमात्मा की कृपा की अहम् भूमि है. 
परमात्मा की कृपा पाने हेतु सत्य का मान अचूक साधन है 
परमात्मा सभी पर कृपा करे 
कृपया धन्यवाद 

कठिन है पर असंभव नहीं

जय श्री गणेश 
कर्म के भक्ति 
भक्ति से ज्ञान 
ज्ञान से तत्व बोध 
तत्व बोध से आत्म दर्शन 
आत्म दर्शन से मुक्ति 
यही मानव की जीवन यात्रा की धुरी है 
कठिन है पर असंभव नहीं 
परमात्मा सभी पर कृपा करे 
कृपया धन्यवाद 

जीवन धारा

जय श्री गणेश
मानवता के मूल्यों को पाने हेतु मानव धर्म को धारण करना पड़ता है,
यहाँ सदाचार के सत्य पर तप व् योग की गरिमा को स्थापित करना होता है 
शोक दुःख क्लेश व् विविद स्वरुप गलानि जीवन धारा के ही अंग है,
इन सभी के मध्य से स्वयं को सत्य की गरिमा से निकाल लाने पर है जीव मानव मूल्यों को पता है,
मार्ग कठिन है पर असंभव नहीं 
परमात्मा सभी पर कृपा करे 
कृपया धन्यवाद 


जय श्री गणेश, 
सुख की परिकल्पना ही सुख है 
इससे अलग कही कोई सुख नहीं 
पर सुख के साधन अवश्य है 
जिसमे पुनः सुख की खोज जारी रहती है 
सुख मूलतः मन की एक गति में कही निहित रहता है. 
उस गति को पाने के बाद सुख हेतु किसी साधन की आवश्यकता नहीं होती,
परमात्मा सभी पर कृपा करे 
कृपया धन्यवाद 

सर्वव्यापक परमात्मा

जय श्री गणेश,
सर्वव्यापक परमात्मा मात्र मनुष्य की इच्छाओ का साधन नहीं हो सकता,
भगवान भक्तो के वशीभूत रहते है यह परम सत्य है 
पर अन्यथा मनुष्य इस स्थिति का अकारण दुरुपयोग नहीं कर सकता,
परमात्मा को तत्व रूप से जानने पर स्वतः ही जीव मुक्त हो जाता है 
परमात्मा को अपने इच्छाओ से बांधने वाला स्वयं माया पाश से बंध जाता है,
परमात्मा को कोई अहंकार रूपी ज्ञान से कभी नहीं पा सकता।
जीव को मानव धर्म का पालम करना चाहिए इसी में उसका कल्याण निहित है 
परमात्मा सभी पर कृपा करे 
कृपया धन्यवाद 

Sunny days

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sunny days are here, 
Sun is at its relative meridian, 
Indeed to invoke the Tej Tatva,
Make one realize the truth of thirst,
Either for water or for quest eternal,
Indeed a tough lesson,
From the chapter of water,
To affirm self unto truth and the cause,
Realize the sensitiveness unto subject,
Come out of cave of ignorance,
To submit self for the truth of water, 
The prime constituent for life after air,
Protect it from pollution,
Preserve it for life, 
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please  

Events of second half

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Second half of Jyestha has many precious gems of celestial truth in its lap,

Sri Ganga Dushera and Sri sri Nirjala Ekadasi are the legendary chapter of this span,

One may count the stars in the sky but to reach at the glory of Sri Nirjala Ekadasi, indeed a day to enjoin the truth of divine celebration on the beautiful planet Earth, with truth of Bhav and feeling for truth of water on the planet,

Glory of celestial chapter Sri Ganga Ji is well known to all in all the three sphere, hence forth start of her journey with truth nectar for life starts with Sri Ganga Dushera, indeed a day rejoice in love with celestial culture,  

Sri Rukmani haran Leela and Batuk Bhairav Jayanti are other define chapters to enjoin with faith and submission, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Amavasya to Purnima

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Second half of scared Jyestha has started it journey to the wonderful Full Moon, 

It will meet the fate of its Journey on 5th June with moon rise at 6:57 PM in conclave of Constellation Jyestha, an auspicious chapter for life and truth,

Chur Yoga will bless the occasion with numerous favors for life and peace,  

Journey of this fortnight swings from Amavasya to Purnima, Friday to Friday, a relevant favorable chapter for life on the sphere of light and truth,with a static balance which taken favorable on many subjects relates to truth and life, 

Every day of this fortnight will experience the pace of Sun to energies self eternally for hidden cause,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please 

Saturday, May 23, 2020


Jai sri Ganesha,
Unconditional love is the inner quest of spirit,
Man may apply extra mind to meet with,
Man wish to buy with wealth,
Man wish to acquire through bullying,
Man wish  to acquire even through mysticism, 
But hard to perceive even at the respective shore,
Only unalloyed love may invite this truth for cause,
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please 

Inherent truth

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Glow on face may be an reflective illusion,
But glow of spirit manifest in form of flux. 
No powers,
No glories,
No fame,
No other achievement but,
Proximity of self with inherent truth,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Truth of life

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Man is blessed with perfect inbuilt faculty,
Competent to interface the truth of life,
Possessed all in accordance with need,
Love too belongs to it, 
To activate this truth,
Man needs unalloyed Love, 
Hard to meet from fellow beings but,
A hidden source may help the cause on path of spirituality,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Hare Rama

Jai Shani Dev

Jai Shani Dev

Jai Maa Kali

Jai Shani Dev

Hare Rama

Friday, May 22, 2020

Jai Shani Dev

Jai Sri Ganesha,
I reverence you,
Fond of your devotees, 
Compassionate mystic,
Possessed of mystic skill 
To rescue devotees 
Versed with truth of Maya,
And three worlds,
Crush the bullies, evil doers,
Safe guard the pious and saintly souls,
Delight of sages and saints,
Savior of lowly, 
Giver of wakeful call,
Truth to impart serene culture,
Most difficult for ego ridden
But a mild truth for submissive, 
Giver of the path of liberation,
Tangible help for both worlds,
Bow my head with joined palm,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 


Jai Sri Ganesha,
O Manasa,
Enjoin the evening prayer,
To eradicate the fear of darkness,
Make obeisance to eternal Teacher,
Whose teaching leads self to home,
Invoke self to enjoin eternal oblations,
To enlighten the chamber of heart for truth of serenity,
Participate eternally in prayer to gratify self,
Keep quest live for dust from the lotus feet of Lord,
Be with self in prayer to feel proximity of truth,
Wait for the turn to attain miraculous blessing from Lord, 
Which may change to orientation of life to favor,
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks Please 

Jai Shani Dev

Jai Sri Ganesha,
May Lord Saturn,
Who nature is mystic in self,
Support the horizon of truth for beings,
Witness the truth of deeds,
Ever in proximity of cosmic soul,
Confers bliss and wisdom upon devotees,
And destroy their sins,
And Punish evil doers in mystic ways,
Lead from dark to light of wisdom, 
Endow with good thoughts,
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please 


Jai Sri Ganesha,
Five vital airs activate the truth of self in body,
Saturn rules the whip of air among five mains, 
And optimize them with truth of self for concern one,
In flux with supreme reality through hidden chapter,
Yoga may help on few manifest aspects of the subject,
Grace of Lord Saturn plays pivotal role to reach at,
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please  

Realize the truth

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Realize the truth behind the veils,
To make it to the self and the supreme,
Know the truth of supreme,
None can see it through eyes, 
But through his grace eyes exist,
Perhaps not the subject of vision,
But a truth to visualize with inner self,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Hare Rama

Jai Sri Ganesha,
From Purity of food,
Follows the purity of Mind,
Directly proportional to purity of heart,
It optimize the fluctuation of Mind
From intellect to heart, 
And stabilize the self,
With this doubt and duality,
Cease to exist and paves the path, 
To realize the Brahma
Within self, 
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please 

Greet Your Lotus Feet Mother

Revere Your Lotus Feet Mother

Obeisance to You Mother

Jai Maa

Jai Shani Dev

Jai Shani Dev

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Message for spirit to adore with,
Grow in truth of awareness,
Grow in light of truth,
Grow in pursuits of divine culture,
Draw inspiration from the life itself,
Draw inspiration from the truth of nature,
Draw inspiration from spirit of celestial events,
 Wishing a Very Auspicious 
Sri Sri Shani Jayanti,
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please 

Jai Shani Dev

Jai Shani Dev

Enjoin celestial event

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Be happy with lot,
Nurture the truth of self,
Align self with true cause, 
Enjoin celestial events, 
To grow with light of wisdom,
Quench the Thirst of soul 
Through adoration of love divine,
Milestone is here resort with,
To enjoin eternal celebration, 
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Jai Shani Dev

Jai Sri Ganesha,
O Manasa,
Worship Bhagwan Shani Dev,
Worship Lord Saturn,
The elder brother of death god, 
The loving son of Mother Chaya,
The gracious truth which matters to spirit,
Rules of material world will be of no help,
When death knocks the door, 
But refuge in Lord Saturn,  
Fill the heart with love,
And adore the day with faith and reverence,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Sri Shani Jayanti

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sri Shani Jayanti today, a very very pious Chapter for devotees of Lord,

Sri Shani Amavasya, Sri Jyestha Amavasya is known for being the appearance day of Bhagwan Shani Dev, a most relevant chapter unto divine spirit, and a truth to enjoin divine celebration,

Indeed a divine day to sanctify self for eternal cause,

Indeed a respective for suitable oblation to attain favors eternally,

Indeed a day to mark truth of self with event to gratify self eternally,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Hare Rama

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Protect us

Jai Sri Ganesha,
May Saturn protect us 
May it prove beneficial in truth of of divine journey
May it bestows truth of serenity 
May it leads us from dark to light eternal,
May it help for progressive life,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please  

Sighted by Moon

Jai Sri Ganesha,
If Saturn is sighted by Moon in zodiac, 
It is an auspicious chapter both ways,
It act as new and new with rise of Moon,
It indicate favorable features of moon, 
Light of Moon glorify the favors from Saturn,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 


Jai Sri Ganesha,
If Saturn placed in eleventh house of zodiac,
It bestows gain in many fields of journey, 
It bestows favors from divinities,
It bestows luminous path for eternity,
It bestows truth of realization, 
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please 

Sixth House

Jai Sri Ganesha,
If Saturn placed in 6th house of zodiac,
Helps one recover fast,
Helps one regain lost velour,
Helps in winning note on many subjects,
Helps in defeating enemies with hidden skill,
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please   

Third House

Jai Sri Ganesha,
If Saturn occupies third house in the zodiac,
It bestows much prowess and velour,
It bestows with spirit of pilgrimage,
It bestows to win battle of life through devotion,
It bestows favors from divinity, 
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Sri Shani Jayanti Tomorrow,

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sri Shani Jayanti tomorrow,
Appearance day of Bhagwan Shani Dev,
Day to enjoin divine celebration for devotees,
A day for performing  respective oblations,
A day to recall the truth of Bhagwan Shani Dev, 
Indeed a day to express feeling for divine celebration,
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please 

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Before the changeover,

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Ever rotating cycles of birth and death follows the individuals everywhere irrespective of lifestyle and truth, but resultant of karma moves along in ethereal form and impact hard on the next, for man it is better to be realized unto truth and the cause of live stream and do introspect the self for eternal cause before the changeover, 
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Before the Sunset

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Karma regulates the individuals, 
Karma is regulated by the Law of Nature,
Law of Nature is very simple and define in itself,
What one sows the same one reaps,
with spinning feature and changeover of time,
Better be nice introspect before the Sunset,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

If possible please

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Killing to Feed the Ego is as worst as anything for man,
Killing to gratify the rage is even more worst, 
Killing or being a cause to kill to feed belly is beyond horizon for man, 
If possible please adopt Vegetarian lifestyle, 
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Never deceit self

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Please Never deceit self, 
Never deceit fellow beings even in dream, 
Please never deceit truth of being man, 
Live a life of a man with truth non violence,
Please support the veganism,
Please be vegetarian, 
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please  

Respect the dignity of life

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Meat eaters may be unaware of the fact,
Eating a dead being is indifferent to self for man on path to ascend in regions within self, 
There is no bravery in killing feeble mortals,
Indeed self restraint is an act of bravery, 
Never abandon  benevolence,
Keep heart for feeble mortals 
Respect the dignity of life,
And life will respect the dignity of self,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please 

Please Be Vegetarian

Jai Sri Ganesha,

Please Be Vegetarian

Please Be Vegetarian 

Please Be Vegetarian 

May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please 

Meet the charter

Material Desire

Hare Rama

truth and supreme reality