Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Shani Kaal could prove to be a boon

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Shani Kaal could prove to be a boon for those in quest to reach at Atman Jnana, 

In truth of Atman Jnana, nature of Atman is to be reached, which could differ from individual to individual, 

Here Mahavidya of Meditation manifest in Shani Kaal to felicitate the aspirants to reach the mystic truth self, and disciple of shiva in his tenure helps beyond bound to ernest seekers,

Any verse from the Shiv cult in Shani Kaal act as a boon to optimize the breathing patters which is most compatible to Atman Jnana,

Jai Mahadev