Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sacred Bhadoo

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sacred Bhadoo has started, a month of Sri Krishna Cult that not only host the Truth of Sri Radha Ashatmi but felicitate devotees to renkoice in Sri Ganesh Jayanti, this is not the all but the whole month is blessing with dignified Jayanties and lot more to enjoin the eternal celebration, including Sri Varaha Jayanti and Sri Vamana Jayanti with legendary Ekadasi in both fortnights, and much more,

Next Monday, a comprehensive Truth of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, Rohini constellation with oblige the occasion favorable, 

The Most awaiting captivating truth of Sri Radha Ashatmi shall be celebrated on 11th September, impulsive day for devotees to rejoice eternally in Sri Krishna cult at its peak,

The 7th September is a notable date being in truth with Appearance day of Lord Ganesha, celebration may continue as long as Sr Anant Chaudas on the eve of Sri Shradd Purnima, 

Jai Mahadev