Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Jai Shani Dev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Know for sure, either it is environment here on the planet or truth beyond the orbit of planet is extremely rich with cult of energy which makes the life feasible and accessible to the truth of life and the self, but to beings in journey are mostly blind to tap varying kinds of energy being flowing through their enrich sources uninterrupted,

Though all beings have requite skill to intercept the requisite energy for referral cause for short in truth with their might and will power yet men may make it beyond words and above the horizon of limitations,

Energies which manifest in friction of life dissipates soon and merge in their pristine source, 

Mystics and ascetics dive deev to reach that eternal energy with energies that spirit either to cultivate destiny or to reap the fate, once make it to that zone which exists within self, individual may make it all well to glorify the beauty of self for beatitude,

Jai Mahadev