Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Jai Shani Dev


Shani Kaal could prove to be a boon

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Shani Kaal could prove to be a boon for those in quest to reach at Atman Jnana, 

In truth of Atman Jnana, nature of Atman is to be reached, which could differ from individual to individual, 

Here Mahavidya of Meditation manifest in Shani Kaal to felicitate the aspirants to reach the mystic truth self, and disciple of shiva in his tenure helps beyond bound to ernest seekers,

Any verse from the Shiv cult in Shani Kaal act as a boon to optimize the breathing patters which is most compatible to Atman Jnana,

Jai Mahadev 

Jai Shani Dev


Jai Shani Dev


Jai Shani Dev


Jai Sri Krishna


Hare Rama


Truth to know

 Jai sri Ganesha,

Man is lover of beauty and achievements to gratify self but reluctant to renounce the things in majority of cases,

But man is very man habitual of renouncing the things and chapters of least value and ever remains charmed to achieve the best relative,

Man needs know at its first and then address self suitable unto truth of God, God is most beautiful reality among all animate and inanimate, is most powerful enriched with highest truth of possessions which may charm the spirit to renounce the least valued worldly affairs and achievements, 

It is the nature of the man being a most selfish and he has to align self with most valuable to make it that is none other than God,

Jai Mahadev 

Jai Shani Dev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Life is a hidden battlefield whereby soul found self in subjugation of conditions that tough to sustain, whosoever it may be,

Soul is forced by a hidden reality to get embodied in a form from a Garb and then start its struggle to survive from day one, first from the inner enemies, non other than diseases and weakness the biggest diseases on the face of life, 

Passionate with illusion of Maya, all beings look for a safe shelter and requite to feed body and soul, but for men it differ altogether,

In broad ways man run to to reach the truth of superiority among fellow beings in false knotch of Maya, is a killing factor to get drowned and lost the chance of being man, instead man needs to prove self to self alone in truth with moral and reality it belongs to,  

Jai Mahadev 

Jai Maa Kali

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Soul of a man is a evolved state of spirit at the threshold of liberation with mild application of self in truth with self,

Soul of a man is versed with truth of eternity to make it to the cause eternal for being in journey of life to make it as for lasting reality that identical with Adi Purusha,

Philosophical discourse may not be be that helpful as that being in refuge of holy saint which help the graduate spirit for the subject at most through truth of proximity vy vibes from eternal self,

Faith and creed are the subject that most compatible to man to make it to reach unto soul of the man,

Jai Mahadev  

Friday, August 30, 2024

All relations in this world

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

All relations in this world mostly based on the truth of service, man randers to maintain them

It is nothing but a barter system in large to meet the truth of both ends suitable,

Either it is blood relation or relationship developed in ccouse of life, rest upon the hidden self interest, 

Only fair compliance may help to sustain in truth with relation whatever it may be, 

Jai Mahadev 

Weak, poor, and honest are more prone

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Weak, poor, and honest are more prone to be deceived at all junctions of life, 

The most strange truth is as crystal clear that one's own in relation takes maximum advantage of being helpless in scenario of life,

Relation either brother or sister, father or mother, the most close mates are those who would never be trust worthy at that phase of life,

Be preventive and try to maintain equidistant from this poisonous snakes and safeguard self from their deadliest bite,

Jai Mahadev 

Atman Darshan,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The world exists in its own truth not as you feel it for,

It is not that as what it makes you to see in veils of Maya,

It is also not that what you perceive in truth of your person but a hidden reality mysticism in itself,

How you feel about it, it matters to none,  it is your own perspective in light of your fate and reality,

Jai Mahadev 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ekadasi today, This Ekadasi in between two consecutive Ashtamies, one relates to Krishna and other Sri Radha, is meaningful beyond words to make it to the truth of self through application of self in truth with cult of the day,

Day to make it to the truth of wish for a desirable which is attainable through unknown reality which moves along with in hidden truth,

A day that inspire devotees to reach at the horizon of hope and expectation unto fruit derived from enjoying the truth of adoration alone with a pious sankalp,

This day is known for being a great giver in truth with eternity of self which stabilize the mind at its most to optimize the pitch of eternal quest to yield favorable,

Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Atman Darshan

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Youth age above the horizon of adolescence could be taken as golden age for many, 

Naturally it is a period of hope in faith with dream of success, endowed with strength and brimming with high end energy to win over the material world,

Defeat and failures found themselves in tough arena to induce dejection in those running with this age, optimism follows them eternally, and never allow them to give up easily, yet it needs the truth of realization at its optimize with to capitalize this age factor, 

Old age is a age with indifferent truth of life with mixed feeling and lack the wholesome truth of youthage but it possesses the light of realization to visualize the things in their true perspective to make it suitable, indeed hope cease to self in majority of cases and heath in subjugation of total compromise, yet individual may warm up self  in hope of dawn of the new horizon with a light a new, never let the circumstances and conditions rules the truth of age, be brave like youth to recult self in truth with sole cause of being man,

Jai Mahadev 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Jai Sri Radhey

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Jai sri Radhey 

Sri Radha Ashtami on next 11th September

Sri Radha Ashtami on next 11th September 

Jai Sri Radhey 

Hare Krishna

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Jai Mahadev 

Events to follow

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Week of Sri Krishna cult is heading for it Sri Ekadasi that day after tomorrow, a meaningful event to support the truth of devotees,

Sri Krishna Chat will be celebrated on coming saturday, a festival of Brij Bhumi to mark the day in truth with cult divine, 

Saturday of the week will host Sri Pradosh, a chapter from Shiv Cult in vicinity of journey unto truth of Krishna Bhakti,

Coming Amavasya will be a truth of legendary Somvati with comprehensive flux of Krishna to relate with truth of eternity, a rarest occasion to bless the life varyingly, on coming monday, 

Jai Mahadev 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Sri Krishna Janmashtami today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Krishna Janmashtami today, a legendary chapter from Krishna cult is being hosted by exalted moon in vicinity of his Monday with many auspicious Yogas to bless the life favorable including two legendary Raj Yoga,

A meritorious day that embodiment of Krishna Bhakti with comprehensive fragrance of love divine, a day to imprint the truth of disinterred love on the sky of heart, which reminds man unto glorious pastime of Lord Krishna, the heart Master,

Time to rejoice eternally in love with Krishna through various aspects available to men to mark the day with self and cult divine, sky is the limit of literature to make it to the truth of Krishna yet a mild quest for, manifest all that essentials in heart of devotee for the referral cause,

Know for Sure that the story of Sri Krishna is among the perennial tales which can stand any amount of narration in the sphere of time, from child cradle to the light of wisdom, shepherd of Sri Vrindavan to the king maker, master of sublimest philosophy and a great statesman of the ages and time,

Jai Sri Krishna 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hare Krishna


Hare Krishna


Hare Krishna


Hare Krishna


Time is reaching fast

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Time is reaching fast to enjoin the most sacred Yajna of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, not just an appearance day of Lord Krishna but a day to recall the truth of existence as self to merge with ultimate reality through realization alone, no karma can ever help it,

Realization is as easy as anything in format of embodied reality, indeed a mystic subject yet a reality, immortal reality miss this plank to support self for that liberation, 

Human birth is a mystic truth that for above daily needs and carnal desires which all other species bear along with but truth of realization to introspect the truth of self,

Rest assure all sacred oblations and rituals makes man to reach that peek of sanctity, whereby Soul untie self from the unwanted knots of Maya and Lord Krishna has tried his best to convince the life on the floor of man to make it, especially those in quest,

Jai Mahadev 


 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Time and again, krishna has revealed his truth as a universal preceptor for the welfare of his disciplines, devotees and aspirants, and manifested his live teachings from the truth of Nature man belongs to and live with, 24 chapter that directly relates to life, few mains are here for refrence_

Learn patience from Earth, non attachment from wind, purification from water, power to destroy evil from fire, living for good of others from sun, indifference towards the world from pahton, danger of temptation from moth, desirability of collecting good from bees, the need to conquer the instinct of sex and taste from elephant and fish, need to conquer desire, from a courtesan, necessity of living alone, to progress in inner life from  a girl,,  disinterested service from trees, truth of amalgamation from rivers, Live truth of inspiration from rising sun, and compatible reality from the sunset, dancing girl in that obscure truth of society may teach hidden lessons more precisely, mountains speaks a lot without words unto truth of consistency, so is the truth of rains, and much more, 

There is no great teacher as time with its silent truth, it covers all from bodage to beatitude, there no healer as that of time for the wounds of life,

Krishna reveals that all, which is party to life in journey of embodied soul on the planet, just to facilitate the men to make it as pilgrimage,

Jai Mahadev 

Sri Krishna Janmashtami tomorrow

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Krishna Janmashtami tomorrow without any differentiation between the Shev or Vaishnav, is a universal truth of Krishna Janmashtami to celebrate by both sects on same day in the light of Rohini constellation, 

Know Sri Krishna to be a super mystic reality, that exists more in Kali age than Dwaper, his existence is more gracious here in this age, he continue with his basic instinct to love his earnest devotee and visit them often to oblige them suitable, 

Krishna reveals in the light of truth that Karma binds, binds the individual in reality of transmigration, may be good or may be worst, but man cannot escape from the line of Karma is the deadliest truth yet man may prevent self through being indulge in Karma by without being in quest of result from, 

Man must perform ordained or obligatory duties without desire of fruits and must submit it as oblation in the fair Yajna of life, 

Jai Mahadev 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Jai Mahadev


Hare Krishna


Hare Krishna


Hare Krishna


Hare Rama


Hare Krishna


Hare Krishna


Hare Rama


Hare Krishna


Hare Krishna


Jai Maa Kali

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

On the path of spirituality, step by step, walking man find self as liberated from the extra baggage of Karma, 

Even if as a soul passed through many incarnations of lowly reality, its delusive habits falls away and forgotten with te wake up of soul,

Path of spirituality is lush green reality for freshly breath for soul to recognize self in truth with sole cause of being embodied in journey, 

On the path of spirituality octasy of self manifest time and again to revoke the self eternal of renerage man to the requisite state of consciousness to make it for the cause eternal,

Jai Mahadev 

Jai Shani Dev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Lord Krishna proclaimed that of all the trees, I am asvattha that Pipala tree, which by nature is taken as abode of mystic souls and gods, as per ancient chants, Lord Vishnu ever remains connected to the roots of this fig tree, 

Sri Vishnu dwells in vicinity of this reality along with goddess Laxmi on many auspicious occasions, and among them one is Sri Somvati Amavasya, 

This great tree is known for its compatibility un truth of austere penance, Krishna in his childhood sips the water from celestial stream in Manasa truth and resort to this Bodhi tree to upgrade self with truth of wisdom that relative to Atman and Parmatam, 

Saturday is the day when Lord Saturn visit this fig tree for oblations ad devotees enjoin them to please suitable for their referral causes, gains unto immortal values,

Jai Mahadev 

Sri Balarama Jayanti today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Balarama Jayanti today, also known in the name of Hal Shasti, an appearance day of Sri Balarama the elder brother of Lord Krishna, 

Indeed, a divine day from the laps of sri Krishna Cult, devotees rejoice in truth with cult of the day, especially in Brij Bhumi, and In Brij Bhumi Sri Vrindavan host this divinity in truth with respective oblations and rituals of the day,

A day to mark self in truth with Krishna cult on the eve of Sri Krishna Janmashtami that on coming monday, 

In celebration of the day that in spirit with, lies the great eternal peace in truth with serene cult of self which yields even greater welfare of eternal self, 

Jai Mahadev 

Friday, August 23, 2024

The true love

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The true love can never be the truth of barter system that give and take, it is an fair aspect of divinity all beings possesses in their embodied state but man has privilege to make it to the truth of beatitude, 

True love at its optimize truth invoke self and invite Sri Krishna to experience the feasibility of conjugal unison without being indulge in carnal truth of sensuality,

The same kind of Truth, Krishna experienced in that Mahaaras on the eve of Kartik in full moon of Ashwin, whereby Gopies failed to restrict themselves in quest of their ultimate soul mate, 

In love, words found themselves paused and eyes relate the truth of loving soul through emotions, nectar from that region of heart overflows in the form of wet eyes, 

Jai Mahadev 

The path of love

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The path of love divine itself is a comprehensive cult to deal with truth and beatitude, Krishna has elaborated this reality through his traits unto truth of love for his devotees and the soul mate, 

On divine path, it needs renunciation from extra mileage in worldly life, but prema Bhakti at is peak within the self at the threshold of eternity,

Whichever kind of love, it needs to serve with disinterested service that in silent truth of self, above the horizon of pride and ego,

So long the mind is divided with worldly affairs, may not be that possible to have fair concentration unto truth of sacrifice love needs, love is an intoxicated state whereby smile on the face for beloved with truth of sacrificial reality without any mimic show, 

Jai Mahadev 

Life is worth living

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Life on the planet earth is worth living because of the vibes direct from the providence that enrich with compassion, 

Life is worth living to experience the Krishna conscious, a realty that exist in truth with love to charm the soul varyingly,

Know Krishna to be a disinterested friend of forlorn, a friend to those all who steadfast in life and keep earnest quest to reform themselves in truth with divinity,

Life is worth living to reach the truth of Sri Krishna Leela, Leela in truth with Maharaas, that prestage of emancipation, Participating in celebration of Sri Krishna Janmashtami may help aspirants and devotees   to reach inner self in love with Lord Krishna, 

JAi Mahadev 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Inert evolution

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Color is nothing but dispersion of light, and light belongs to the sun, rest is its reflection in various forms,

Life in any form, either sentient ot insentient are inclusive aspects of supreme reality that none other than God, like that of colors and the light,

All living beings put together are sentient reality of supreme personality, lifeless matter that pervading the universe even beyond the perceptive skill of mind and intellect is insentient reality of supreme personality, 

Inert evolution of both aspects are continue in both ways, spirit and matter in congenial flux make its sprout in its own accord, with limited access to life, all beings have limited approach to make hence bound to indulge in a never ending cycle of nature but Man, man is a peak state of eternal evolution and krishna conscious may help spirit to maintain this eternal dignity through varying discipline available with, devotees and aspirants may make good use of opportunity available in the name of Sri Krishna Janmashtami,

Jai Mahadev 

conjunct of the two

  Jai Sri Ganesha,

On the auspicious occasion of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, ether code is active beyond words to influencing the charm the truth of Bhakti that manifest in cult of devotees and aspirants. 

Krisna Love in truth of divinity is here along with life, philosophy of Krishna cult is available to earnest enquirer with purified mind and optimize truth of intellect,

Truth of man's intellect fluctuate very often in truth with condition, mostly remains tained with worldly passion to achieve beyond reach, though by nature intellect of man is filled with truth of this universe but in passion with Maya, it goes limited to the sphere and truth of Maya alone,

A highly precised truth of intellect in perfect harmony with mind, may reach the sensitive reality of self and truth of ultimate reality, within self itself, Know Krishna to be a fairly known heart master that help his followers beyond words with occasion and time, conjunct of the two is here right now in the name of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, 

Jai Mahadev 

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi today, a divine day in celebration to reach the truth of insight to reach the hidden reality of life in context with true self,

Indeed, a day to accommodate this mystic cult to the life that to attain to the truth of self by experiencing the inherent cult of self in truth with celestial reality,

Know Sri Ganesha to be a tangible support to the truth of success in the varying referral and perennial tasks in journey on the planet,

Indeed a day for carefully practicing the rituals of the day to mark self to make the meaningful with due solace in eradicating undue sufferings and helping self in ways to create ample opportunities to make to the truth of cause eternally, 

Jai Mahadev 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

threshold of Sri Krishna Janmashtami,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Life is at the threshold of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, Mahotsav is on to update self and the truth for fair fair participation in this Truth of Sri Krishna, 

Indeed, time to know the truth unto pastime of Lord Krishna, that symbolic incarnation in truth with evolution from Fish to Krishna, the evolutionary manifestation of divinity in comprehensive human form to simply the things for embodied soul to make it to the truth of beatitude, 

Aspirants and devotees may enjoin this milestone of the journey on the planet by observing spiritual practices with respect to their state and reality in truth with self by incorporating self at its most,

Here in, self efforts and divine grace invariable acts in pursuits of prayer and fulfillment unto truth of object that relates to, may differ from individual to individual, prime factors in this journey divine are knowledge unto the subject, awareness of the ideal, rout of the voyage and identification of the deal and all these may yield all the four worldly rewards as human in journey of Life,

Jai Mahadev 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sacred Bhadoo

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sacred Bhadoo has started, a month of Sri Krishna Cult that not only host the Truth of Sri Radha Ashatmi but felicitate devotees to renkoice in Sri Ganesh Jayanti, this is not the all but the whole month is blessing with dignified Jayanties and lot more to enjoin the eternal celebration, including Sri Varaha Jayanti and Sri Vamana Jayanti with legendary Ekadasi in both fortnights, and much more,

Next Monday, a comprehensive Truth of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, Rohini constellation with oblige the occasion favorable, 

The Most awaiting captivating truth of Sri Radha Ashatmi shall be celebrated on 11th September, impulsive day for devotees to rejoice eternally in Sri Krishna cult at its peak,

The 7th September is a notable date being in truth with Appearance day of Lord Ganesha, celebration may continue as long as Sr Anant Chaudas on the eve of Sri Shradd Purnima, 

Jai Mahadev 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Jai Mahadev


Jai Mahadev


Jai Mahadev


Jai Mahadev


Jai Mahadev


Jai Mahadev


Jai Mahadev


Jai Mahadev


Jai Mahadev


Jai Mahadev


Jai Mahadev


Sri Purnima today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Purnima today, Sri Purnima of Sacred Saawan, concluding day of pious Yajna of this Shiv cult, 

Sri Satya Vrat Purnima is also being celebrated to mark the day in sankalp with truth eternal, 

This auspicious Purnima host a unique festival from the laps of Hinduism,  a society based in truth with celestial reality and respective cause for eternal self, 

It is Fifth Saawan Somvar, another milestone of this Sacred Saawan, day for quantum jump to decorate inner self by imbibing the best from the cult of the day, worship of Lord Shiva through various aspects and resources available with, that mark self in truth with reality of the Day,

Jai Mahadev