Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Mind plays pivotal role to rule the life, disciplined mind lead the life to the best whereas deluded mind makes life hell and ruin the truth must for other world.

Mind of young people is capable of doing much on the cord of wish and will to an extant but in later part of life mind squeeze to its limitation nothing but a compromising stage.

Thoughts arise on the plane of mind and it directly relates the environment one belongs to, truthful association impress the mind favorable where as wicked association affect adversely.

Trained mind never make a mistake, it is perfectly trained mind that maintain character and personality for long that paves the decent path for other world.

Graduating the mind to the tune of truth proves very fruitful for both worlds; indeed hurdles may arise on the path but subside subsequently.

Practice of yoga, mediation and association of truth graduate the mind in true spirit.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please