Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sacred Saawan,

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sri Raksha Bandhan today, a scared festive that celebrated on the Purnmasi of sacred Saawan,

It is concluding chapter of celestial truth that known in the name of Saawan,

Saawan is a define chapter in Hindu system of Life,

It is not just a month that represents the Water at its forefront but a month which makes man to realize the truth of water which relates to Fire,

Lord Vishnu represents the water and Lord Shiva represents the fire, both are the carrier of life on the planet,

Water and fire are two facets of the same entity which represents the truth of austerity and penance,

Water and fire indicate purity so is the truth of sacred Saawan,

Water and fire at its optimize pitch makes life smile, and paves the way for life,

Sacred Saawan is a divine chapter which make it to reach at the lotus feet of Lord Shiva through austerity, penance and truth,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please