Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Austerity and penance

Jai sri Ganesha,
Austerity and penance leads one to the truth of purity,

Ignorance is the prime cause of suffering in the journey,

One may remove the veils of ignorance through process of Purity,

On the pitch of Purity, one may find self on the path from unreal to real,

It is purity of heart and mind which leads one from dark of delusion to the light of truth,

It is purity of heart and mind which leads one to the truth of Immortality,

Austerity and penance are define path-way to purify self for eternal cause,

Devotees adore the truth of austerity and penance through varying chapters available with,

Journey of Kawarias is a define stream on the pitch of austerity and penance for the cause, which invite immediate attention of Lord Shiva,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please