Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

On this day

Jai sri Ganesha,
Sri Ekadasi today, Sri Ekadasi of Krishna Paksha of Sacred Saawan, indeed a meritorious day for devotees to rejoice eternally in love with Lotus Feet of Lord Vishnu,

Sri Ekadasi is not just a day of the fortnight but a shelter to the weal and helpless,

It is not just a day for oblations with faith and reverence but a day to recall the truth of Lord Vishnu which helps seeker in the journey of life,

Sri Ekadasi is a chapter which adds to inner strength to struggle in tough phase of life,

Indeed it is an inspiration with feeling within self that lord Vishnu is along with to help the cause,

 On this day, Parikrama of sri Vrindavan is practice of devotees to make it,

On this day, devotees keeps the feeling to sacrifice for the true cause,

On this day, Lord Vishnu bless the devotees and distribute the fruits of immortality,

On this this, Devotees prefer to adore self restraint to mark the truth on the path,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please