Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Please be Vegetarian, if possible

Jai sri Ganesha,
Men who kill living being to feed self and ego are indifferent to truth and self,

Men cannot afford to be feed self on the cost of other's life,

There are many men who killed innocent creature to gratify the belly and taste,

Meat eaters may derail self from the path of truth and self,

Indulging in oppression, tyrannies, distensions, waylaying, the greedy one's support the addicts,

Meat eaters are ill directed and unaware of truth and the cause they belongs to,

Those indulge in, needs to realize it as a man if to sustain on the earnings of butchery,

Man cannot afford to miss Benevolence, Man cannot afford to mislead self by forsaking the truth one  belongs to,

Man needs to be brave that to safeguard self and fellow beings but cannot afford to kill creature who live merely on water and grass, Indeed self defense is must and top priority for one and all, and man needs to be wakeful unto subject concern,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please