Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Friday, October 25, 2019

Sri Pradosh

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sri Pradosh today, on the eve of Shivratri and just before the festival of Light, a day to adore the lotus feet of Lord Shiva.

Shiva, the one consistent with his five faces along with infinite facets, the blue throated winkle-less supreme reality known for being a compassionate mystic,

Worship of Shiva and Shakti is the subject of the day, Abhishek and Archana is performed in the evening to mark the day,

Obeisance to Shiva, the source of everything, salutation to Shiva who reflects himself in Prakriti as the Jiva,

Revere the lotus feet of Shiva, the seed of universe and truth of cause and effect, there is nothing beyond the ken of Shiva,

May Lord Bless all.

Thanks Please