Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Monday, October 21, 2019

Sri Ahoi Ashtami

Jai Sri Ganesha
Sri Ahoi Ashtami today, a day to adore the lotus feet of Goddess Ahoi, the giver of safe shelter,

In the ocean of mundane existence, no one is safe till the last moment, and those who realized this truth take a safe path and explore the way to sail safe,

Ancient sages and seers have elaborate the truth of the day which indicate favor for children, Mother ever keep the quest to safe guard the children all the way,

And the day is adore by mothers to invoke blessings for their children, glimpse of star in the evening glorify the truth of the day, and ensure about the blessings from Mother Divine,

Obeisance to You Mother, revere your lotus feet with faith and reverence, bow my head again and again in your kind honor,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please