Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, June 30, 2018

plant the holy basil

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Aasad is a month that is different,

Purnima of Aasad is a unique day to adore with,

It is an appearance day of a legendary saint that Sri sri Ved Vyas ji,

It is a great month for Sri Guru Charan Puja, or sri Vyas Puja,

It is a month that is blessed with Dev Shayana Ekadasi, a great day in itself,

It is a month to plant the holy basil that to serve for four months before sri Tulsi Vivaha,

Four months indicate the four chapters of Life, Arth, Dharma, Kaama, Moksha, and all follows itself to one who take the vow to serve Sri Tulsi ji the way this,

From here it starts the journey to shake off doubts and duality and take refuge in Mercy of almighty truth, that to reach at the motto of being man,

It is a month to realize the truth that name of God alone is true in the world of Maya, one needs to manage and keep it in heart that to absorb in god in hidden truth, no outer display,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please

Friday, June 29, 2018

sail safe

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Human profile is meant to promote truth,

Practice of truth is must for man to sail safe,

Righteousness leads one to truth and truth encourage one to practice of righteousness,

Liberation from the cycle of Birth and rebirth directly relates to truth one adore with in journey of life,

Right steps in true spirits truly leads one to truth one belongs to,

Lord of three spheres is watching all, nothing is hidden to Lord,

 His Law of justice is as simple as anything,

In the court of Lord of three sphere justice is never denied,

Justice delivered by Lord based on truth and Truth alone,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Sri Aasad has started, Events to follow

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sri Aasad has started, Events to follow,

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi-1st July,

Sri Yogini Ekadasi-9th July

Sri Bhom Pradosh-10th July,

Sri Sri Shivratri-11th July,

Sri Amavasya-13th July,

Sri Dev Shayan Ekadasi-23rd July,

Sri Pradosh-25th July

Sri Satya Vrat and Sri Sri Guru Purnima-27th July,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Sri Purnima

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sri Purnima is a define day to adore the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu,

In sri Vrindavan and sri Giriraj ji, Parikrama is performed to mark the day in love with Sri Vishnu Pad Puja,

It is a day to realize the truth of lord that help devotees even irrespective of merits,

Lord Vishnu enjoys the unalloyed offerings from devotees, indeed a great lover of devotees that manifest on the occasion to bless devotees,

Purnima is a day, on the day one merely remembering whom attains purity, the prime subject for man,

Purnima is the day to realize the truth of Lord Vishnu that never sleeps, yet remains charged to impart wakeful and conscious state to devotees,

Adoration of the day with faith and reverence, may help one to ensure proximity of lord in his abode hereafter,

Moon is the giver of nectar that relates to Lord Vishnu, and Purnima is the day,

Moon is the cause of Manasa and Sun is the cause of soul, 180 degree between them is Purnima to optimize the pitch of self to perceive the nectar that resultant of, by the grace of lord Vishnu,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please

Bhagwan Satya Dev

Jai Sri Ganesha,
It is wonderful Full Moon tonight, indeed a day to rejoice eternally in love with,

Indeed a day to recite the Glory of Bhagwan Satya Dev, transcendent and immanent, self luminous,

Indeed a Brahman that loves Brahman, indeed supreme soul that loves the pious soul,

Full Moon helps aspirants to make it to reach at,

Bhagwan Satya Dev is refuge of all irrespective of cast and creed,

Indeed Beyond the known and knowable yet devotees can approach him with faith and reverence,

In Him exist the whole worlds and those that live therein,

Bhagwan Satya Dev is Truth in self and truth of all entities that exist,

Bhagwan Satya Dev is the truth to be realize that for worldly and eternal gains,

May lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Sri Satya Vrat Purnima tomorrow,

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sri Satya Vrat Purnima tomorrow,

Purnima will start at 8:12 AM and will last till 10:22 AM Thursday,

Snan Daan Purnima on Thursday,

Full Moon will be there to bless the life on night of tomorrow,

Wonderful Moon will accommodate Constellation Jyestha tomorrow alone on Purnima that for about a one and half hour, 

This Purnima is special with favorable message for life,

Elongated span of Purnima that say about 26 hours, will add gracious flavor to it,

Sri Satya Vrat Purnima is unique chapter for man to adore with that to reach at the glory of being man,

Sri Satya Vrat Purnima is a great giver that giver of joy and celebration with eternal peace and truth for the sole cause of being Man, Devotees and aspirants make good use of this opportunity,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Monday, June 25, 2018

inner Want

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Traveler needs to chart out the plan for his journey,

Every entity is a traveler in the journey of life,

But for man, this journey is special,

Indeed inner ruler is someone else yet inner quest may lead one from the forefront,

Realization is pillar and post in the journey of life for man,

Man needs to reach at the safe shelter before the sunset of life,

Awakening of the inner want and aspiration of man matters the most,

Inner most thirst for the truth of peace and bliss ever follows the spirit in hidden chapter of life,

Natural yearning of man for that love of Lord is the path to fulfillment of inner Want,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please

Sunday, June 24, 2018

heat of extravaganza

Jai sri Ganesha,
Tomorrow, It is Sri Som Pradosh that second in series,

Thirteenth day of the fortnight that in conjunction with twelfth day is celebrated as Pradosh,

Presiding deity of the day is Kaam Deva, but the day is ruled by Lord Shiva,

Presiding deity of the Twelfth day of the fortnight is Lord Vishnu, Picture of Lord Vishnu ever remains in the heart of Lord Shiva,

Presiding deity of the fourteenth day is Lord Shiva,

There remains a positive flux in-between twelfth and the fourteenth day of the fortnight that is celebrated as Pradosh,

Good health is prime subject for all with mortal frame in the journey of life but man is blessed with truth of Pradosh to re-module self on the pitch of heath through realization and adoration,

 Feminine entity usually face extra hardship on the chapter of health and they may attain lot of favors from this chapter of Pradosh,

To counter the heat of extravaganza  adoration of the day may help one favorable,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Sri Sri Nirjala Ekadasi,

Jai Sri Ganesha,
It is Sri Ekadasi, Sri Sri Nirjala Ekadasi,

Indeed an auspicious chapter for devotees to adore with,

Sri Ekadasi is not just a day of the fortnight but an opportunity for man to make it for both the worlds,

It is a celestial chapter that manifest for a define cause on the planet that to help the devotees, aspirants and pious souls,

It is a designated day for sri Sri Vishnu Pad Puja,

Know the truth of Lord Vishnu, the legend of compassion and mercy, totally without anger, and embodiment of that blissful Love,

Know lord Vishnu be the savior, indeed savior of fallen and a tangible help to helpless,

They who adore the day with faith and reverence will never be overpowered by evil either here or hereafter,

Know lord Vishnu be the giver of light either it is world outside or the world within,  a cool and soothing light which enlighten the path of self with care and truth,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please 

Friday, June 22, 2018

Sri Ganga Dushera

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Today, it is sri Ganga Dushera, an appearance day of Mother Ganga,

It is a day to recite the Glory of Sacred Ganga,

It is a day to recall the truth of this celestial entity for eternal cause,

It is a divine chapter for devotees, it is a truth for aspirants unto path of self,

Mother Ganga, a celestial truth which has blessed the Earth and the life through its presence in the form of a Holy River,

Designated Banks of River Ganga is truly defined chapter for man to realign self with,

Mother Ganga is giver of purity which indicate peace and bliss,

Adoration of lotus feet of Mother Ganga ensure safe passage,

Indeed it is a divine day to mark truth on the path of journey through varying available chapters,

May lord bless all,

Thanks please

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Hare Rama

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Water by nature flows down,

Fire by nature goes up,

Air by nature moves along with and cause to,

Sky by nature pose existence and cause to,

Earth is combination of all with fragrance of Maya,

Mortal frame meet the fate of Earth,

Soul is bound to ascend irrespective of entity in mortality,

Soul is different from all yet to experience the truth of all enter in the world of mortality for a cause,

Soul is a ray of that pristine divine source which indicate peace and bliss,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Jai Sri Ganesha,
Tomorrow, it is a World Yoga Day,

It is a day to realize the truth of Yoga for man,

It is a day to visualize the merits of yoga in the journey of Life,

Indeed a day to adore the truth of Yoga for health, peace and prosperity,

Yoga is a infinite chapter that starts with self restraint and practice of define postures at respective time and stage of Day,

Yoga is highlighted in eight define chapters to make for the cause of being human by Sage Patanjali,

Yoga may help one to live a life of discipline and truth,

Yoga may help one to the truth of fitness of Body,

Yoga may redirect one to the self for realization and ascend in regions within self,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

श्रद्धा व् विश्वास

जय श्री गणेश
श्रद्धा व् विश्वास मानव जीवन के तो अहम् पहलू है

ज्ञानातीत अवस्था में पहुंचने के लिए यह अनमोल रत्न है

तर्क वितर्क जीव को स्वयं से दूर ले जाते है

श्रद्धा और विश्वास  जीव को सत्य की और ले जाते है जहा मार्ग में सत्य स्वयं जीव का संचालन करता है

महापुरुषों की संगती में श्रद्धा व् विश्वास का पदार्पण होता है

मानव को स्वयं के आत्मिक बल पर कभी संदेह नहीं करना चाहिये

मानव को सदैव परमात्मा के सत्य पर विश्वास करना चाहिये

श्रद्धा और विश्वास जीव को समर्पण के सत्य की और प्रेरित करते है जो परमानन्द प्राप्ति हेतु परम सहायक माना जाता है

श्रद्धा और विश्वास के आगे माया के सभी कुचक्र नतमस्तक रहते है

सभी पर परमात्मा की कृपा हो


२१ जून

जय श्री गणेश
२१ जून योग दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है

योग मानव जीवन हेतु परम साधन व् सेतु है

मानव जीवन में स्वाथ्य सर्वोपरि माना जाता है योग शरीर को पुष्ट रखने की कला ही नहीं अपितु चित की वृतियो को नियंत्रित करने में भी सहायक होता है

योग जीवन में अचार विचार को विशुद्ध करने में भी सहायक होता है

योग मन की गति को नियमित करने में सहायक होता है

योग ज्ञान व् कर्म इन्द्रियों को अनुकूल रूप से प्रभावित कर जीवन को सत्य की और प्रेरित करता है

योग जीव व् ब्रह्म  के मध्य सेतु का कार्य करता है

योग सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का परम साधन है

योग मात्र योगाभ्यास ही नहीं प्रकृति के बंधन से सहज मुक्ति का साधन भी है

सभी को परमात्मा की कृपा प्राप्त हो


Monday, June 18, 2018

Harvest the good to reap the best,

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Joy and sorrow are the two define facets of the life,

Day and night is truth of the life, night charge the life and day capitalize it, changeover is the time to realize-be wakeful and conscious at that span,

Greatest gain lies in remembering of God, and the greatest loss is forsaking him,

Only God has given this life, he alone is the true master of one and all, rest assure that every one is here for short stay, every one is here for a cause that either viable or hidden but, be wakeful and conscious to make to the truth of life,

Hope is define facet of life, be hopeful irrespective of last in the queue, Faith in the mercy of God is zest of Life,

Man of faith alone reach at the truth of wisdom by the grace of God,

Man needs to pitch the life on the truth of realization, and be thankful to God whatever be the circumstances,

Man cannot afford to be the cause of suffering of fellow beings in any case, God is watching all, nothing is hidden from his sight.

Harvest the good to reap the best,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please


Sunday, June 17, 2018

again and again

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Human body is a storehouse of celestial centers,

Human body is a unique platform to perform on the pitch of self and truth,

Wondrous plays are going on within this unique chapter, one needs to be wakeful to match it with celestial truth,

All cosmic abodes could be seen within the body through truthful concentration and meditation,

Divine incarnation take place here with, for a eternal cause,

And it happens again and again alike day and night,

Let no one make a mistake here, take refuge in righteousness to experience the glory of of man,

It is a unique carrier which may help one to sail safe to that shore of peace and bliss,

Within the body, one needs to cultivate gladness and develop affection for nectar of love, which helps one to unify self with,

May lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Saturday, June 16, 2018


Jai sri Ganesha.
Omnipresent God is the creator of the Universe,

Omniscient God is the truth of this universe,

Indeed that God is sustainer of this universe,

That God alone provide the provisions for life,

That merciful God is reliever of sufferings,

That resplendent effulgence God with divine brilliance is truth of purity and venerability,

Devotees Pray and meditate unto that God,

That to inspire mind and illuminate intellect towards righteousness and benevolence,

Weekend is the time to pray eternally and thanks the God all the way,

May lord Bless all,

Thanks Please

Friday, June 15, 2018


Jai sri Ganesha,
Being a human on the planet is not that easy for spirit,

It is pure blessing of almighty Lord for a hidden cause,

To maintain the dignity of this unique profile one needs to realize the truth of purity both ways,

Indeed purity is prime subject for man to regain the truth of pristine entity,

Man needs to adore purity in thoughts, words and deeds,

Man needs to prevent self from cruel chapters of journey,

Man needs to live a life of self restraint, and company matters the most unto truth of the subject,

Man needs a bear a heart with compassion, everything is in mind-nothing bears fruits unless mind is pure,

Only man is endowed with skill to eradicate the sins of past through realization, meditation, Jaap and practice of truth,

May lord Bless all,

Thanks please

inner world of self

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Man has attain a lot what outer life can give,

Man is far behind in this age to achieve from inner world of self,

Lower form of concentration may adversely influence the health, mental health is a subject of top priority for all beings in journey

Whereas higher truth of concentration open the gate way to wisdom,

Spirituality is a chapter which may lead man to the truth, if graduation is fine with harmony in application,

Wind and waves of uncontrolled desire ever approach the life that to distant self from,

One needs to be wakeful and conscious to protect self from,

Prevention is always better than cure,

Man needs to be preventive from evil doers, and needs to be active on passive truth,

infinite power within self

Jai sri Ganesha,
Man is blessed with infinite power within self but path to reveal this truth is hidden and mystic in self,

Under the influence of Maya, mind of the man remains divided and distance from the might of self,

To gather up mental strength, one needs to be wake-up first from the sleep of delusion,

To attain conscious state of mind, one needs to realize self at its First,

A wakeful and conscious state alone can provide better opportunity for self,

Physical wellness, prosperity and success, they all depend on the fair strength of mind,

To reveal the hidden truth of the life and the world, wakeful state and fair consciousness is pre-requisite,

A man active on the pitch of truth suffers a lot in the world of Maya but achieve the designated truth for self through respective discipline,

Knowledge and happiness come only from within self and to make it one needs to practice truth with hope to make it,

May lord Bless all,

Thanks please

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Proximity of a true Saint

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Ever since the mind separated from its pristine source, become the slave of senses in large,

Man cannot afford to live a life of a slave of senses through mind,

Due to irresistible attraction towards deceptively pleasant sense objects, man may mislead self,

Vagaries of mind may derail the essential truth that true asset of spirit,

Mind never dies is truth of time and ages, it reflect pause alone, it becomes viciously alive at the slightest opportunity and makes one ride on the ego on the path of lowly sense pleasures resulted from the falsehood,

Man ever keep hidden quest for eternal peace, and to attain that it needs to rightly pitch the mind in harmony with heart,

It is not possible to attain eternal peace with afflicted mind,

Yoga, meditation and practice of truth may helps one unto subject,

Proximity of a true Saint may equally helps one,

 May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Events of the second half of Jyestha,

Jai sri Ganesha,
Events of the second half of Jyestha,

Sri Sankranti-15th June-Sun to enter Gemini,

Sri Sri Ekadasi that Sri sri Nirjala Ekadasi-23rd  June

Sri Gayatri jayanti---23rd June

Sri Som Pradosh---25th June

Mercury to enter Cancer on 25th June

Sri Satya Vrat Purnima---27th June

Mars is exalted now in Capricorn but will retrograde on 27th June for two months

Sri Purnima that last till 10 AM---28th June for Snana Daan,

May lord bless all,

Thanks please

Sri Amavasya today

Jai Sri Ganesha,
It is Sri Amavasya today, The New Moon,

It is a special day, being the concluding day of Sri Purushotam Mass,

Snana, Daan is the subject of the day that to purify self,

It is not just a conjunction of Sun and the Moon but a great chapter that influence the life on the planet, Jupiter and Saturn too relates to the day,

It may a day for low tides in oceans but a day to fill life with truth of cause, one belongs to,

Sun is the cause of soul and the moon is the cause of Manasa that mind, and this day helps one to align self with, at optimize pitch,

Presiding deity of the day is sri Pitar Dev, the god of departed soul,

Respective oblations may help soul of ancestors there, which results in success here,

It is a designated day to realize unto truth of self through varying chapters available with,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Sri Shivratri Today,

Jai Sri Ganesha,
It is sri sri Shivratri Toay,

It is an auspicious day to adore the lotus feet of Lord Shiva,

It is an auspicious truth that helps devotees to reach at the lotus feet of lord Shiva,

Meditating on the truth of lord Shiva, muttering the name of Lord Shiva in respective verse is define chapter of the day for devotees,

Reciting the verse of Shiv Sankalp helps devotees to relocate self,

Heart, mind and body are three define chapters of entity soul bear with for Pindaj,

Heart is the core center of both body and the mind,

Heart is the abode of soul in body, though it act as omnipresent in body yet core-center is  Heart,

Lord Helps devotees to optimize the pitch of body and mind in harmony with,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Monday, June 11, 2018

सोम प्रदोष

जय श्री गणेश,
आज परम पावन प्रदोष पर्व है,

यह शिव कृपा का प्रारूप है व् भक्तो के लिए परम सुख का साधन भी है

सोम प्रदोष होने से मानव जीवन के लिए परम शुभ है,

सोम अतार्थ अमृत प्रदाता, सोम अतार्थ दिव्य औषधि प्रदाता, सोम अतार्थ मन को विशुद्ध गति प्रदाता,

सोम भगवान् शिव का अनन्य भक्त व् दास है जो शिव भक्तो पर असीम कृपा करता है

सोम प्रदोष पूजा कर भक्त भगवान शिव के  ही नहीं अपितु श्री चंद्र देव की कृपा के पात्र भी होते है

प्रदोष पूजा में संकल्प ही सर्वोपरि  है साधन विशेष की व्यवस्था का अधिक महत्व नहीं है

प्रदोष पूजा में स्वभाव की सरलता, भक्ति भाव व् समर्पण ही परिपूर्ण साधन है

प्रदोष काल में की गई पूजा परम फल दे मानी गई है,

सभी पर भगवान की कृपा हो

कृपया धन्यवाद

Sunday, June 10, 2018

आज श्री परम पावन एकादसी है

Jai sri Ganesha,
Today, it is a great divine day in the name of sri Ekadasi that Sri Sri Padama Ekadasi,

Indeed a great day for devotees of Lord Vishnu, Lord Vishnu is one that great source of strength and skill,

Indeed Lord impart strength and skill for the cause that to enhance the beauty of self both ways,

Indeed Lord punish the evil doers and removes the afflictions of saintly souls, is supreme power and ultimate truth that faced by all sooner or later,

Lord Vishnu is truth that bestows joy and peace, Lord Vishnu is one that offer benefits and distribute the fruits of immortality for eternal cause on divine days,

In ancient times, lord restored the earth that had sunk down into Patala, it was for a cause that to benefit the soul in journey in different entities,

Lord Vishnu is the one who held up the earth submerged in Pralaya Water,

Lord Vishnu is great lover of Earth, cow and Brahman, those who respect the dignity of truth unto them attains blessings of Lord,

Lord Vishnu loves mountains and rivers, held up Mandar mountain at the time of churning of ocean for nectar, and assumed the form of Govardhan in his loving Place on the planet that in Brij Bhumi,

May Lord Bless all, आज श्री परम पावन एकादसी है

Thanks Please

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Lord Vishnu,

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Today, it is Last Saturday of Sri Purushotam Mass,

Presiding deity of the Month is Lord Vishnu,

Lord Vishnu, the one who is the soul of all, and has the whole universe as His Body,

Lord Vishnu that one who is fit to be contemplation upon because, He is the summation of all values,

Lord Vishnu is presiding deity of All Yajna, and the Yajna of Adhik Mass is in progress that to glorify the truth of soul and blessings from Lord matters a lot,

Lord Vishnu is God of all gods and savior of Fallen,

Lord Vishnu is truth of purity and is giver of purity,

Lord Vishnu is limit of compassion that ever keep the vow to help the devotees all the way,

Lord Vishnu is one that cannot be clearly described as THIS, even though He has taken many forms that to help the devotees,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Tomorrow, It is Sri Sri Ekadasi

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Tomorrow, It is Sri Sri Ekadasi that Sri Padama Ekadasi,

A day to adore the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu,

Indeed a day to recall the Glory of Lord Vishnu,

It is a day for Sri Vishnu Pad Puja,

Devotees rejoice eternally in love with lotus feet of lord,

A day to meet the truth of religious vow that set on the pitch of rules and discipline with which one voluntarily binds oneself to liberate self from bondage of worldly delusion,

During the day, devotees perform certain rituals in order to propitiate the presiding deity of the day that to secure favors from,

And the whole process undertaken with a religious resolve on this auspicious chapter with celestial truth that meant for devotees,

It is a gracious day for devotees of Lord Krishna, in sri Vrindavan Parikrama is performed to meet the truth of the day,

May lord Bless all,

Thanks please

Friday, June 8, 2018

Yajna of Sri Purushotam Mass

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Yajna of Sri Purushotam Mass has entered in its last quarter,

13th June, next Wednesday is concluding day of this Yajna,

Indeed, this Yajna is heading for New Moon that sri Amavsaya of Adhik Mass,

Next six days are days to recall the glory of truth and self,

Indeed a span to indulge in sacred deeds that to purify self for eternal cause,

Sri Padama Ekadasi will bless this Yajna on 10th June,

Sri Som Pradodh will felicitate devotees varyingly for respective oblations on 11th June,

Sri Amavasya will invite Lord Vishnu along with Goddess Laxmi that to bless participants of this Yajna,

This Amavasya will be special for oblations to gratify the soul of ancestors,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please

Thursday, June 7, 2018

truth and the self,

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Purification is prime subject for man if to reach at the sole goal of being man,

There are so many ways prescribed on the charter of life to purify self that deep till soul,

Indeed it starts with self restraint and realization, which follows with practice of respective relatives,

There is one way which is a bit different in self, among all and that is introspection and self analyses,

Though both relates to core base of realization yet impact hard deep till soul in auto mode,

Not that difficult at all but needs a bit extra mileage to make it,

To correct self, one needs to visualize the fault one commit while to carry on with in journey,

Human error in deed is but natural because mind ever remains engulfed in immense variety of thoughts and feelings to safe guard self with progress,

One needs to check self periodically and practice introspection and self analysis on the chart of truth and the self,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sri Krishna_Character that makes a person divine,

There are 26 essential to relate self to make it, mains are_

Fearlessness but in true spirit,

Purity of Mind and self control,

Truth and Vedic studies,

Non violence and spirit of renunciation,

Compassion and forgiveness with absence of Pride,

There are six vices that derails the truth of character,

They are hypocrisy, Vainglory, egotism, anger, harsh speech, and ignorance of high value,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please

this tree of Sansara emanated

Jai sri Ganesha,
Lord Krishna_Know the created world, comparing it to be an inverted tree,

Its roots which is above is Brahman, that Absolute,

The three gunas are its branches,

The Vedas its Leaves,

And the Vedic rituals are its subsidiary roots,

They have spread out below, however not seen as such,

One has to cut this tree by weapon of detachment,

And search for that by reaching which,

There is no return to mundane existence, one has to take refuge in that primeval person from which this tree of Sansara emanated,

May lord bless all

Thanks Plaese

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Jai Sri Ganesha
Brahman is very dear to lord,

Indeed Lord loves his creature but ever keep extra feeling for Brahman, that true Brahman,

One is Brahman by birth, is equally liked by Lord,

One that not Brahman by birth but deeds reflects his truth of being Brahma, is too dear to Lord Like Brahman,

But the Brahman that Brahman by birth and live a life of a Brahman ever remains in close proximity of Lord,

The one who has controlled his Body, speech and mind. lives a life along the lines of nature and truth,

The One that lives a life on the pitch of realization based on the truth alone,

The one that lives in a secluded place and practice meditation unto self,

Will be fit to attain the state of Brahman,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please 

Monday, June 4, 2018


Jai sri Ganesha,
God is not only transcendent and immanent,

He can also incarnate himself irrespective of age,

Human is his own form and prefer to manifest with,

With reason or without reason, God may incarnate as human,

But whenever Righteousness declines, in order to restore its balance, god Manifest,

As incarnation, the personal aspect of the impersonal, God is more easily approachable,

 The truth of the God is very simple to perceive that He responds in whatever way devotees approach him,

Those realize his true nature and offer self with submission on the path of love and devotion, make it to reach at,

One needs to cultivate devotion with love to recall him,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please 

Sunday, June 3, 2018


Jai Sri Ganesha,
Saints are the dwellers of the ocean of bliss, man needs to make a note of it,

Indeed they visit the planet  for a cause that to help the life on varying facets that relates to,

Saints are true benefactors of Mankind and no one can deny this fact,

Being wholly absorbed in their divine truth, they make it to manifest the ways and paths to felicitate life,

Infinite is the glory of true saints, ever act as tree that laden with fruits, shelter and causes,

Their life remains shrouded in mystery, their name, birth and cast relates to supreme reality,

Ever cherished eternally with a smile for followers and disciples that to eradicate the hardship of life,

In Proximity of their truth, self attains the motto of being self in journey,

Intensely dedicated to divine pursuits, lead a life of truth which paves the path for time to for life, Purushotam Mass is the chapter to pay an visit to them,

May Lord Bless all,


path of salvation for seekers

Jai sri Ganesha,
In Purushotam mass, recitation of Sri Gayatri Mantra helps aspirants to Make it,

Sri Gayatri Mantra is a Vedic verse that to purify inner chamber for the designated cause,

24 constituents of this truth relates to all 24 subjects,

Mystics purify self with this verse and experience the proximity of almighty truth along with,

Indeed truth of this verse leads mystics to the deep state of meditation,

At its first, the verse highlight the truth to think and think it over that to explore and align self with in quest of light one badly needs in dark of delusion,

Indeed truth of the verse said to be in divine origin which helps aspirants to track divinity within self,

Knowledge that true one to truth and self is must for man, and the verse leads it from forefront,

Indeed it is a path of salvation for seekers,

May lord Bless all,

Thanks please  


Jai Sri Ganesha,
All living creature are in search of happiness,

Faculty to interface truth of happiness differ from one to another,

Exploration ever remains on whichever being it may be,

But for man there is no limit, new path of pleasures with gains ever remains in never ending process alike mirage in desert,

But true happiness is altogether different than that of worldly achievements based on sensual truth,

Path of Love and Devotion may help one to reach at that shore of Happiness,

In love with self that in true spirit and quest for that soul mate, itself is a happiness beyond words,

Tradition Rituals and ceremonial prayers may  be the path but pilgrimage unto self within self on the pitch of unalloyed love for, matters the most,

God alone is the only source of Happiness, rest is world of Maya-a mimic show to trap self for long,

May lord Bless all,

Thanks Please

Inherent wealth

Jai sri Ganesha,
Worldly Wealth, power, position and fame based on the truth of ego and bound to distant self ,

Inherent wealth, power of will with righteous position of self on truly leads one to fame that matters to self,

Achievements of transient worldly objects that lubricate the passage in journey matters on varying aspects of life but truth-the most relevant subject of soul,

For riches are not forever, so is the truth of scarcity, Change is truth of Maya and every one is subjected to,

But Man needs to realize this truth to elevate self from the world of duality which follows the spirit in many ways till it realize the truth behind the veils,

Realization alone is the path to make it, indeed many factors matters the truth,

When a soul attains an entity to carry on with in journey, hardship is inevitable whichever specie it may be,

Majority among eighty four runs in cycle with hardly provision to ascend within self but for Man,

 Purushotam Mass helps aspirants to redefine self on the pitch of truth to make it,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please

The self

Jai Sri Ganesha,
O Manasa,

Try to visualize the truth behind the veils of Maya in relation to self and the Self,

The self, in relation to which the dissimilarity of senses has been pointed out,

It is not realized outside, for it is the innermost self of all,

Rest assure that mind is superior to the organs,

Indeed intellect is superior to the Mind,

And the soul is supreme reality for both,

Purush That Purushotam who is pervasive is the superior to soul and subject too for soul,

Purushotam Mass may help one to realize this truth for welfare of self,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please

To reach at Self

Jai Sri Ganesha,
To reach at Self_

Undue Taxing mind with so much study would not help much,

Wonder beyond within the format of worldly affairs would not help much.

Tracking the circle of reasoning will prove wasteful in majority of cases,

One has to keep quest for,

One has to recollect self for,

One has to realize the truth in condition and beyond it,

Meditate on the self with fair mind,

Concentrate on the self within self,

May lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Know the self

Jai Sri Ram
Know the self_

Self is a ray of light from the truth of infinite,

Infinite by nature yet in proximity of Maya relates to finite,

Neither the subject of growth nor the decay,

Self is self alone above the phenomena of Maya and its facets yet,

Though independent in self yet conditioned by various contradictory limiting adjuncts,  Appears variously like  a light through prism,

Omnipresent the heart of all creature,

Though immortal by nature yet act on the truth of mortality,

Indeed difficult to know by worldly man but not a task for mystics with truth of renunciation,

May lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

facets of Maya

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sri Adhik Mass or Purushotam Mass in the second half is heading for its New Moon,

Though this Month is indifferent yet a gracious truth for man to recall the glory of self through religious discourse,

To reach at the Self, one needs to be a Brahman, either through the refuge in or through the proximity or through deeds that relates to Brahma,

 Goal of the life as man is not that sensual pleasure and ego of the self, but to reach at the truth of self,

Self that manifest from the supreme self with a hidden cause and bound to merge within with cause,

Self in proximity of Maya act as mortal, and attached to its features but with wakeful state midst of Maya untie self from the truth of mortality,

Mortal is a subject of death, time is a subject of change, but the truth and self relates to,

This self is subtler than subtle and greater than the great, lodged in the heart of every creature along with creator but,

A renounced man that live a life of self restraint on the pitch of conscious sees the glory of self in person through serenity of organs and liberate self from the facets of Maya that runs on the pitch of duality life joy and sorrow-loss and gain,

May lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

O Manasa

Jai Sri Ganesha,
O Manasa, addressing to self alone,

Reject wholeheartedly all that make feel you weak either way,

As strength is the life and weakness is a indifferent truth,

Never forsake the God irrespective of all odds,

God alone is truth that ever lasting and helping tangible support,

Be wakeful in the company of worldly men,

Be Conscious on the path of Karma,

Be preventive to indulge in extravaganza what ever subject it may be,

Try to redefine your self that favorable to your self  only, in this transient world changes takes place at every moment, be firm to behold self on the pitch of truth,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

रे मन

जय श्री गणेश
रे मन
जो भी वस्तु या परिस्तिथि तुझे परमात्मा से अलग करे उसे पूर्णता नकार दे

जो भी सोच मन को दूषित करे उसे तभी त्याग दे

जो कार्य भागवत  तत्व से दूर करे उससे स्वयं को बचा

जो स्तिथि तुझे भागवत प्रेम से दूर ले जाये उससे सचेत रहना

भागवत प्रेम व् शाश्वत जीवन एक दूसरे के पूरक है

भीतर के सुख को सजो के रखना यह परमात्मा के सामीप्य का कारण व् कारक हो सकता है

इस जीवन यात्रा में दुःख व् कठिनाई तो अवश्य ही आएगी पर स्वयं को स्वयं ही संभालना

परमातम तत्व की प्राप्ति के मार्ग पर अग्रसर रहना

श्री परमात्मा की कृपा सभी को प्राप्त हो

आभार धन्यवाद 

Saturday, June 2, 2018

sri Ganesh Chaturthi Today

Jai Sri Ganesha,
It is sri Ganesh Chaturthi Today,

It is very auspicious day for devotees of Lord Ganesha,

This day is special being the day in Sri Purushotam Mass,

Worship of lord Ganesha proves very fruitful on the day,

What it needs in oblation of the day, just simplicity in nature with faith and submission,

Dhoob, Gur, Dhaniya are define chapters in oblations,

Glimpse of Crescent Moon in the evening makes the event gracious beyond bound,

Indeed a favorable day to perform charity,

On This auspicious day, Lord Ganesha distribute the fruits of immortality,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please

Friday, June 1, 2018

path of Truth

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Man needs a true guide in the journey of life to make it for the designated cause,

Man is blessed with free will to franchise truth both ways,

Man that guided by the self-will that swept by ordinary impulses, never find the designated goal,

Mind of the man is hard to control from the sway of Maya, yet in refuge of True guide-one may,

Mind perceive truth of delusion fast than fact of truth, Man needs not a different kind of mind to realize the truth on its factual status,

One needs to realize the truth one belongs to that to align self with,

One needs to realize that God is Father, Mother and True Guardian-indeed a true preceptor if one takes in right spirit,

God helps one to harmonize inner and outer truth of life to indicate peace,

God is not just a ruler and master of the universe but a disinterested friend of aspirants and devotees on the path of Truth,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please

Life without truth

Jai Sri Ganesha
Life without truth is wasted,

Human life is wasted if one fails to adore the truth in all the three streams relates to,

This human life is a raft and the world of mundane existence is an ocean,

It is Truth that imparts the strength to carry on in right direction that to sail safe, in ocean when water is all around, it is compass that helps one to relocate the direction and truth act as,

This unique opportunity to connect with pristine truth one belongs to,

It is adoration of truth which act as a wake-up call for man to remind about the God,

If works pleasing to god are not done, if righteousness is not followed, it is drown,

Though the task is tough yet approachable,

If the heart is not decorated as a beautiful temple of god, purpose of being human derailed,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please