Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Sail Safe

Jai Sri Ram
The mind of the devotees look for the love of god, rejoices in divine spirit and consume the nectar of love,

Association of self and truth leads man to the right goal and  true destination,

Saints exhortations and Guru's instruction may lead aspirants on the path of eternal peace, and Sacred Kartik felicitate this truth,

Extremely restless for sensual indulgence takes worldly man to delights of sensuality but devotees track the truth of love and soul mate for blissful unison with and Sacred Kartik May Help,

O Manasa, Sacred Kartik is here, opportunity is here to sanctify self, make good use of this span to sail safe,
Hare Krishna
Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu