Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Friday, October 13, 2017

better be late than never

Jai Sri Ganesha
Sacred Kartik is one of the most comprehensive chapter for man, relates of the Month are most important and significant that helpful to man in relocating Self,

Indeed this month reflects the Image of sri Krishna to adore with, to highlight the truth of Krishna Bhakti-path with respect to his authority, wisdom, omniscience and understanding, Truth of Sri Krishna commands life at its imperative that for welfare of self alone,

Sri Krishna is omniscient benefactor so is the truth of Sacred Kartik-if man put forth self in harmony with, makes it to reach at spiritual growth for evolution and fulfillment, Those prefer to be in flux of Sacred Kartik needs to realign self with self restraint, do and don'ts, better be late than never,
Hare Krishna
Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu