Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Sunday, October 29, 2017

message of Kartik to traveler

Jai Sri Krishna
Living is common to all but few make it to live at its truth on the pitch of righteousness with time and occasion,

Divine occasion and time of Sacred Kartik is unique to realign self with one's pristine entity to make it once for all,

In sacred Kartik friction no where but lubricant all over in flux of this unique chapter,

Resilience is in body indicate the truth of living-one cannot be adamant on any chapters-one needs to accommodate life in circumstances and condition with faith and submission for the true cause and is the message of Kartik to traveler,

Right living cause least hindrance in journey but deluded living create barriers that hard to pierce through, be wise and be right, be with self and experience the glory of journey in proximity of almighty truth and Sacred Kartik Felicitate,

Though not that easy yet one may try to make life useful and meaningful and adoration of truth on the occasion and time may help one reach at, and Sacred Kartik is,
Hare Krishna
Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu