Monday, October 1, 2012
Jai Sri Ram,
Saints have elaborate the subject of truth in so many form
but unconditional love to God is supreme all the way,
In love with god there is no place for bargain, one cannot
afford to trade in shadow of love, indeed it is a one way traffic just to give
and to give alone,
Love means love alone; love means sacrifice to prove
submission for the cause,
You are in me and I am in you is theory of love,
Life the worldly man mad for wealth and sex, in the same
manner one needs to love god,
Bear impact of Maya but never let the path of love to God,
Let god be the faith and devotion,
Let the name of god be the livelihood to sustain,
Let god be the refuge alone,
Let god be the shelter in the journey of life,
Let their be smile for god even at the most miserable span
of journey in life,
Let the naked innocence for god with total submission
And this love counts at its highest peak in the sight of God
and god regards it beyond measure,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please