Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Sunday, March 27, 2011

supreme reality

The supreme reality is full of love and care like a mother, compassionate that ever ready to welcome, embrace and protect one and all, over looking vices and shortcoming if one realize and surrender on the cord of truth.

There are numerous examples on the cord of life those devotees who have realized their spiritual goal midst of trial and tribulation they received the grace of God.

Shortest and easiest way to attain his almighty grace is self surrender. Surrender is to give all one is and all one have to the divine knowing fully well that no one.

It is to live for the love of god, it is to walk the way of obedient to the will of God to rejoice in all that happens-knowing that to be good of self at its ultimate mode.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please