Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Full moon

Today it is full moon, most auspicious day of the month and this full moon also represents great festival of colors known as Holi. Worship is done on this day and celebration on the next day. Tomorrow is the day to celebrate this great festival of colors.

Full moon is a day that indicates peace and bliss. Moon is one of the main planet counted on the auspiciousness. This day is also known for the worship of Sri Sri Satya narayan swami-bestower of wishes and giver of liberation.

This full moon is even more special that it is appearance day of chatenya Mahabrabhu that enlighten the pace of Krishna consciousness and trace the divine chapter of Krishna love. Chatenya love for vrindavan was immense and beyond words to express.

Obeisance to lord Chatenya Mahabrabhu on this divine day of his appearance and I revere his divine spirit and love for vrindavan.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please