Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

remembrance of lord

Forgetfulness of lord alone is the prime adversity on the chapter of human life where as the remembrance of lord is true prosperity on the truth of being human.

Remembrance of lord is the path to reach at the realization on the cord of life. To tread the path of lord one needs give up infatuation for undue pleasures of senses.

To make lord appear on the plane of heart one needs clean the dirt of undue lust and greed. Mimic show on the cord of devotion creates the difference between self and the supreme.

Truth attracts god towards self, with out attaining the realization of God at its true pace the purpose of being human is defeated. Indeed truth is god and it is finest path of devotion too.

Human life is precious beyond measure and to makes it more it needs remembrance of god with faith.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please