Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Lord is very generous and merciful who is never angry even with the offender, to devotee lord have been particularly kind and affectionate; True savior of saints and innocent people on the cord of life.

Lord always maintain an excessively loving relation with true devotees and associates them all along. In adversity it is lord alone that keeps care like mother for concern. Never let down devotees in their time of task.

Lord is benevolent by nature and helps devotees at every step of life even in thick fog of delusion. Lord is excessively fond of truth and those adore truth find lord close with.

Illusion put tough task on the cord of life but devotees make it to cross over with all win by the grace of lord. Name of Almighty lord is a tangible support on the wavering state of life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please