Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, December 18, 2010

O lord

The creator has created creatures high and low but most of them in fact self seeker and look after others with self motives due or undue by the grace of lord alone is savior from the traps of others.

Lord alone is so beneficent, illustrious and tangible support to saint sages and pious one.

When the name of lord is muttered even in wrath or indolence all sorts of sordid sins and all vices washes out.

O lord your kind honor is disinterested sole friend of the world
O lord your kind honor is sporting one and art of ocean of mercy
O lord your kind honor is giver of delight to pious one and saints

I make my obeisances in your lotus feet to attain the wisdom of true light.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please