Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

supreme spirit

It is really hard to identify the dividing line between good and evil. It is certainly terrible to ascertain the truth unto them as both are created by the delusive potency of lord. God has created both good as well bad it is for one to decide which way one wants to go, either joy of present or the welfare of future.

It needs true perception on the subject to carry on with. Association plays a vital role associating good may leads one towards good and association with bad elements leads one to hell.

God has given free will to perform deeds but one need to choose a true preceptor first to carry on in this uneven cord of life. Indeed nature is the first and foremost preceptor for life but life hardly wishes to learn from. Lord himself is best preceptor if one keeps faith unto; he manifest in heart en-rout to mind to guide one about true path but rarely one listen the sound of inner pace.

Better be late than never and adore the truth on the set guidelines of nature to reach at the truth unto self, that leads one to governing factor, supreme spirit.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please