Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Guru purnima

Today is most auspicious full moon, appearance day of Bhagwaan Ved Vyas ji. This day is known as vyas puja day for devotees on the cord of truth. This day is celebrated with all faith in the name of respective preceptors of individual and masses. It is also known as sri sri Guru purnima.

Sri Sri Ved vyas ji was great sage who elaborates the truth of Vedas in 18 streams so called purana to felicitate the life on the cord of truth and the supreme. Worship of Sri Ved vyas ji is performed on this special day to attain the wisdom of light to enlighten the inner core.

On this auspicious day, followers pray in the lotus feet of their spiritual preceptor in varying forms and pay visit to their ashrams that counts as great pilgrimage with highest religious merit.

Sat Guru is store house of spiritual wisdom and those make it to reach in the lotus feet on this day with all faith attain the grace of Sat Guru for both the worlds.

I bow my head in the lotus feet of true preceptor for life and nature that known as lord Shiva. Merciful lord is all compassionate to bless the devotees irrespective of their deeds for their ultimate benefit here and here after too.

I again and again pray in the lotus feet of lord Shiva with all faith to attain his esteem blessings for ultimate truth unto life.
हे मेरे गुरु देव करुना सिन्धु करुना कीजिये-हु अधम अधीन अशरण शरण में लीजिये
खा रहा गोते हु में भवसिंधु के मजधार में-आसरा हे दूसरा कोई न अब संसार में
मुज में हे जपतप न साधन और नही कुछ ज्ञान हे-निर्लज्जता हे एक बाकि और बस अभिमान हे
पाप बोजे से लधी नैय्या भावर में आ रही-नाथ दोडो अब बचाओ जल्द डूबी जा रही
आप भी अब छोर देगे फिर कहा जऊँगा में-जन्म दुःख से नाव केसे पर कर पाउँगा में
सब जगह राहे भटक कर ली शरण अब आप की-पार करना या न करना दोनों मर्जी आप की
हे मेरे गुरु देव करुना सिन्धु करुना कीजिये-हु अधम अधीन अशरण शरण में लीजिये

May lord bless all.

Thanks please