Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Thursday, July 8, 2010


The planets, medicines, water, air and the cloths proves good or bad in the world according to their associations; only men of endowed wisdom with keen insight are able to know this bare fact.

The proportion of moon light in both half’s of lunar month but still known with different names, knowing one as nourisher and other as the emaciator of the moon, the world given name one is good and other is indifferent.

Whatever beings are here on the planet is creation of almighty lord, being creation of almighty lord it is adorable and great saints on the cord of truth adore them all with due respect. They revere Gods and demons, nagas and birds, spirit and manes, gandharve and kinnars, giants and other with all respect being the creation of God and find the path of their inner rout.

I make my obeisances in the lotus feet of lord.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please