Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

before it is too late

Every one is endowed with creative energy but rarely one utilize at its true pitch. Social service for the cause is one of the best mean to utilize the creative energy. To reach at the true human value one has to prove self on many cords out of which one is true social spirit.

When one utilizes this creative energy for gratification of undue sense pleasure it detracks the life from its true cause.

The fundamental basics of a good social order consist in no one being deprived of one’s right. Any one who become the party to deprive one from one’s right in any mean has to answer a day in differently to the queries of nature as nature govern the life on the cord of fate and fate track the life on the law of karma. Karma is supreme to prove self and it relates through thoughts words and deeds altogether.

One needs to realize it at an earliest before it is too late.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.