Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Monday, May 12, 2008

respect the nature

Nature is the mode of illusion on the subject of life. Life is a part of nature. Nature have a define mode to interact with but life on the verge of lust and greed deviate from the natural course of nature.

Those being a human respect the basic norm of nature and care for it in all respect are blessed by the lord shiva.

Those who love the nature always remain in the orbit of lord shiva where mercy of lord shiva flows with out any interruption. In the prayer of lord shiva nature plays a vital role. The things belongs to very nature is offered to attain the blessing of lord.

The wonderful crescent moon and the holy river Sri Ganga got esteem respect from the honor of lord.

All beings that so ever are the spice are equally respected and taken care of by; lord shiva.

Those who respect the native easily achieve the blessing From the kind honor of lord shiva.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.