Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Sri Radha Ashtami tomorrow,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Radha Ashtami tomorrow, a day in truth with cult of love divine, a day to experience the ecstatic state of self in truth with feeling of that unison in obscure corner of the heart, 

Vibes from the love eternal will visit the devotees varingly to charm them in truth with beatitude in personification in cult of the day,

It is an appearance day of love divine on the planet in the name of Sri Radha, blessed and universally known for her submission to the truth of Maharaas in conjugal love of Parmatma and Atman, 

Those intoxicated in love wants nothing but to reach at the horizon of self to make it eternally to charm themselves in gracious reality of God within themselves, and blessings from Sri Radha ji distribute the viability to make it that once for all,

Jai Mahadev