Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Jai Sri Ganesha

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

It is time to invoke self in truth pastime and teachings of Lord Ganesha, span of divine celebration in truth with Yajna eternal to mark self with truth of this wonderful festival of light eternal,

Lord Ganesha is not just an truth of auspiciousness but a beckon of light for aspirants and devotees to align and realign self in truth with cult of self in context with cause eternal,

Concept of Yoga itself is multifaceted with its core center at the truth of mind at its optimize pitch that withdraw mind from referral reality in gross mode and redirect it to the truth of indwelling self,

There are infinite chapters to make it in truth with oblations unto truth of this sacred Yajna known in the name of Sri Ganesha Jayanti, but foremost among all is to put self in truth with sankalp to carry on with available resources in prevailing conditions, Manasa Puja if taken in spirit with may act as most appropriate truth unto respective oblations, 

Jai Sri Ganesha,