Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sri Narada Jayanti today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Narada Jayanti today, day to recall the glory of sagacious entity who serve his master none other than Sri Hari Vishnu like anything eternally,

Sage Narada was mind Manasa Putra that mind born son of Brahma, brother of many legendary entities in the sphere of life and ages, blessed with eternal truth to roams in all the fourteen regions irrespective of his mortal truth,

The day is known in the truth of conjunct that religion and philosophy, religion marks the eternity of self whereas philosophy relates to the journey of life among all species in the sphere of life,

Sage Narada was versed in celestial cult and truth of Vedanta which he campaigned among the aspirants both ways eternally as well as in personification of the subject suitably,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please