Jai Sri Ganesha,
Yoga should be practiced with perseverance, undisturbed by points of depression, man may recover from the depth of depression through faith in self and the mercy of creator,
Having renounced all desires born of fancy, and daylight fantasy, supreme bliss comes to that Yogi whose mind is completely tranquil and whose passion is ceased, and who has identified self that Brahma that sole Brahman,
Know it that a Yogi, striving diligently, is purified of all sins and becomes perfect, all yogis, even he who, passed of faith, worships me with his mind absorbed in me, is, in my opinion, the greatest,
Verily there is no destruction for him either here or hereafter, rest assured doers of good, never come to grief, having attained the worlds of righteous and dwellings there for unnumbered years, he reborn in the house of the pure and spiritual prosperous to take lead in sole goal,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks, please