Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Sri Ekadasi

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ekadasi today, a pious chapter to realign self with, 

A designated day for sri Vishnu Pad Puja,

Sri Vishnu Pad Puja is an infinite subject with numerous ways to enjoin this truth,

It is not limited to the worship of lotus feet of lord Vishnu but whatever sacrifice made unto subject reach at,

It is a subject to gratify self in love with lotus feet of Lord Vishnu,

The day that eleventh day in the light of twelveth indicate favors for devotees to enjoin this truth,

There are infinite merits of the day which may enlighten the truth of self for eternal cause,

Indeed a divine festival from the truth of celestial culture that to bless the devotees,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please