Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Monday, February 4, 2019

Sri Amavasya

Jai sri Ganesha,
Sri Amavasya Today, an auspicious chapter to recall the truth of self through varying available chapters with,

The sun and the Moon in the same zodiac sign Capricorn, the cause of new Moon that Sri Amavasya,

Sun the cause of Soul and Moon the Cause of Manasa, both in flux of each other may help one regain  the self,

It is sri Shravana Nakshatra today, throughout the day, which has caused Siddhi Yoga, a favorable chapter for aspirants, 

One of the most suited day to purify self through varying chapters available with, holy dip in celestial stream at designated points may help aspirants unto subject, participation in Yajna at sacred Fire, recitation of scared verses, following the religious discourse with faith and reverence to mark the day,

Performing respective charity for the true cause may help the aspirants on path,

Low tide day may help in better preposition to realize self on the pitch of truth and the cause,

Indeed a day to realize the glory of Mother Ganga, Pipal and Banyan tree, religious discourse and the Purity in context with life,

Indeed, it is a day to attain the blessings from a pious soul, true Brahman and the True Saint, for the eternal cause,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please