Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Sacred Magh

Jai sri Ganesha,
To reach at the meaning of being human, one needs to realize the truth of righteousness,

 In other words, Dharma to represents the truth of righteousness,

Dharma is the truth which follows the attainment of material prosperity and final beatitude,

Man needs to practice Dharma in day to day life to make it at its best,

All activities that pertaining to the journey as human should be conformable to Dharma,

Sacred Magh is running now, is legendary month of Hindu Calendar to practice Dharma through varying available chapters to man,

Path of Dharma leads one to the truth of self for ultimate cause, soul ever keep quest for,

Penance, pilgrimage, austerity, charity and devotion helps one to make it and Scared Magh felicitate devotees varyingly,

Indeed they are wise who make good use of this opportunity that known in the name of Scared Magh,

 May Lord bless all

Thanks Please