Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Sacred Saawan

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sacred Saawan has entered in its last quarter, indeed a very specific truth for aspirants unto the lotus feet of Lord Shiva,

Lord Shiva-the presiding deity of Sacred Saawan, Saawan not only shower the rains but Shower the divine grace for devotees and aspirants to make it,

Lord Shiva-though tough to reach at but Sacred Saawan felicitate man to make it all well for Devotees,

Lord Shiva, the bestower of wishes and giver of even most favourable truth to man and Sacred Saawan leads one to that orbit,

There are so many ways to worship Lord Shiva, whatever way it mat be but it needs truth of self and submission at its foremost,

Offering of sri Ganga Jai on Shiv-Lingam-the emblem that speaks favourable without words and sanctify the self for the blissful unison,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please