Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Saint Poet Sri Tulsidas ji

Jai Sri Ganesha,
It is very auspicious day today for devotees of Lord Rama,

It is Appearance day of Great Saint Poet Sri Tulsidas ji-the great devotee of lord Rama,

He devote his life on the Bhakti Path and enlighten the path to the Lotus feet of Lord Rama,

Great Saint Poet is a truth of wisdom for divine chapter that relates to sri Rama,

His elaboration unto truth of Lord Rama has enlighten a great path for devotees,

In life one needs meaning and the path for a fair journey and Saint Poet Sri Tulsidas ji highlight the both in very simple manner that any one can understand with truth behinds the veils,

Saint Poet highlight the cause of being Human and relates it to the truth of Rama, the giver of peace and bliss and blissful unison,

Saint Poet Highlight the truth of jiva, Maya and Brahma in his writing and devotion,

I Revere the lotus feet of great saint Poet, bow my head again and again in his lotus feet and salute his divine spirit and submission for the cause,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please