Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Jai Sri Ganesha,
Having turned from sensual life and the world of name and fame, the individual generally enters into the truth of his evolution towards enlightenment-the prime cause of being human,

Sanctity and enlightenment co-relates to each other, and love is media that act as flux in-between,

 There are so many define ways to sanctify self for man, indeed charity plays a vital role and disinterested charity proves to be a mile stone in the journey,

Serving the mankind and the nature is service to the Lord of three spheres,

Disinterested service with love for the soul mate act as a truth of austerity and penance on the path to reach at,

And when this service is offered in respective span of time, it truly proves meritorious for self,

This span of Singhast Kumbh is an appropriate time for suitable efforts for the cause,

It is not necessary to be physically present at ujjain but presence on the pitch Manas is must at Ujjain in this scared Span of Singhast Kumbh,

Heart for the festival, quest to serve and follow the norms to attain sanctity is the path to reach at,

Obeisance to Lord Vishnu,

Obeisance to Lord Shiva,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please