Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Sri Kartik is threshold for the cause

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Kartik Krishna Pranaam,
Sacred Kartik is right here to bless the life, Indeed a month that known for the worship of Lord Sri Hari Vishnu,

Sri Kartik is a very special chapter of Sri Vishnu Pad Puja,

Lord Vishnu, the one that care his devotees like anything,

Devotees of Lord Vishnu celebrate this Divine Chapter in true spirit,

Devotees who, living in the world and carrying out their duties, remain detached,

Being always aware of their spiritual nature, they ever tries to make a fair approach unto the Lotus feet of Lord Vishnu, and Sacred kartik felicitate them unto subject,

Devotees of Lord live in the midst of illusion yet never deviate from the truth of oblations for their divine love,

Devotees of Lord neither deceive the others nor the self and ever tries to capitalize the opportunity to reach at the lotus feet of their ultimate love,

Devotees of Lord Rejoice eternally in love with Lord Vishnu and his most beautiful incarnation as Sri Krishna,

Sri Krishna helps devotees to bear true love that for the cause that to realize the full potential of the precious gift of Human form,

Sri Krishna, manifest himself along with Sri Radha Rani, Yamuna ji and Devi Tulsi in Sri Kartik to celebrate the occasion with devotees,

sri Krishna help devotees to reach at the optimize pace of concious to realize the truth of self in reference with Divine love, and Sri Kartik is threshold for the cause

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please