Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Monday, October 12, 2015

It is sri Somvati Amavasya today

Jai Sri Ganesha,
It is sri Somvati Amavasya today, one of the most meritorious day,

This Pitar Paksha is concluding with a note of Sri Somvati Amavasya is an auspicious sign for life for days to come,

It is clear indication of blessings of departed soul to present scenario of spirit in journey,

Sri Somvati Amavasya is not just a divine day but an opportunity that even gods awaits to celebrate in divine spirit,

It is Rarest of Rare privilege for man to make good use out of this cosmic truth,

One may count the stars in the sky but the merits of Sri Somvati Amavasya especially of Sri Pitar Paksha,

It is a day itself that giver of health and wealth, fame  and truth to aspirants on the path of,

Lord Vishnu Manifest himself along with Goddess Laxmi on this very day on the planet to bless the life and devotees,
Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu_

Pipal Puja is one of the subject of the day, respective oblation with faith and reverence paves the path for liberation,

Offering Ganga jal to ancestors on this day may prove very fruitful to spirit, even manasa offerings acts as that of real one,

Offering Vishuddh Jal with sesame seeds may help one to counter sins of the past,

Offering respective food to Brahman, Cow, Dog, crow or birds helps spirit to reach at the path of truth

O Sri Pitar Dev, revere your lotus feet on the auspicious occasion of Sri Somvati,
O Sri Pitar Dev, revere your lotus feet and request to you help those departed ancestors there for peace and bliss,
O Sri Pitar Dev,revere your lotus feet-the merciful one that helps

Obeisance to Sri Pitar Dev, the one that care and help the spirit all the way in the journey of life,

Obeisance to Wonderful, the one that cause of Maha-Raas in sri Brij Bhumi

Obeisance to Lord Shiva, the loving consort of Goddess Gauri,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please