Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Lord Vishnu Holds

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sacred Baisakh is running now, it is firth day of first half today,

A sacred Month that known for the worship of Lord Sri Hari Vishnu_

Vishnu, who is described as Nilamega-Syama, a dark blue hue like that of the rain bearing cloud,

Since the infinite space appears as deep blue in colour, it is but truth that all pervading cosmic power, be depicted as blue colour,

His hour arms represents the four quarters hence absolute power of the Lord in all directions,

Lord Vishnu Holds_
Sankha-the conch, which represents the five elements
Chakra-the discus, which stands for cosmic truth
Gada-the mace, indicate cosmic intellect,
Padasa-the lotus, the truth that evolves the world,
Sri Vatsa-the object of joy and celebration
Sri Vaijayanti Mala is symbolic of subtle elements
Nandsaka, the sword represents the wisdom and
The Bow represents the cosmic senses

Jai sri Ram-Krishna-Hari, the friend of the meek and a tangible support to those take refuge in,

Obeisance to Lord Sri Hari Vishnu, the Loving consort of Maha-Laxmi,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please