O Lord Sri Hari Vishnu, Your incarnation in Brij Bhumi has surpassed all other, it has become abundantly charming
O lord Sri Hari Vishnu, Please grant us the vision to experience your infinite beauty of truth and grace
O Lord Sri Hari Vishnu, Your eyes in shapeliness and charm the interior petals of a beautiful lotus blooming in the clear autumnal
O Lord Sri Hari Vishnu, O grantor of boons, O granter of path to wisdom, O grantor of truth and love for emancipation Accept my very humble homage of the Occaion of Vishnu Shukla Dwadasi of sacred Baisakh
Obeisnce to you, O Lord Sri Hari Vishnu, i revere your lotus feet on the occasion,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks Please