Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Sunday, June 2, 2013

four essentials

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Human profile ever follows the shadow of beings around and it needs respective efforts to make it truly human to match the truth with ultimate one,

Four essentials to make self wake-up to the tune of human are as Under_

One needs to live a moral life that filled with realization unto subjects one subjected to,
One needs to make positive efforts to control the waves of maya which influence the mind delude it under the shadow of ignorance,
Be vegetarian to attain the spirit of Human and color it with compassion to prove so,
One needs to thanks the God under all circumstances, however may be the big agony one face, mighty beyond description be the pain of soul in life, one cannot afford to disrespect the God in any form, abusing the self is worst abuse to God-be thankful throughout the journey especially at the last quarter when one suffers the most,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please