Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Laziness and blamegame

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Laziness and blamegame is born of ignorance, it is fostered by inertia,

This phenomena is similar to disease that depends on the potency of delusion one bear,

Indeed it is curable if one wants to be, Learn from nature, it teaches through varying means by putting varying challenges on the changing scenario of this universe,

One needs to accept the changes, indeed they may be tough for now but may be easier for later,

Changes on the stage of life are to be accepted as calmly as the change of season yet with hope for a new light,

Let us learn from the past and restart it with new beginning with hope for the best, Let us keep heart for the near and dear fellow beings, let us believe in self help and help others in need to reduce the potency of sorrow manifest with recurring changes,

May Lord bless all

Thanks please