Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Friday, May 10, 2013

Auspicious Vaisakh

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Auspicious Vaisakh and lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari vishnu is opportunity for man to make it to the tune of ultimate truth,

Second half of sri Vaisakh is on way now, through every day of this fortnight is meaningful for devotees of Lord sri Hari vishnu and seeker of wealth but Akshaya tritiya  Sita naomi and Mohini Ekadasi have its own and infinite glory in its fold,

One may Count the drop of water in ocean of the world, one may count the stars in the infinite universe but it is truly beyond reach for anyone to count and reach at depth of compassionate nature of Lord Sri Hari Vishnu,

Vishnu, Vishnu, Vishnu,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please