Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Yum Dvitiya and Bhaiya Dooj

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Today it is Yum Dvitiya and Bhaiya Dooj,

Death god yum son of the sun and elder brother of Yamuna, Yamuna called him on this day to her house for dinner and honored him and this day becomes the day for honoring the brothers,

Yum blessed her sister Yamuna like anything, Yum gave numerous boons to her sister in love with,

In the same context festival of Bhaiya Dooj is celebrated, sisters recalled their brothers or pay visit to them and seek long life for their brothers from the death god yum on notes of beginning of era of respecting sisters,

Devi Yamuna and god yum took bath in Yamuna to mark the respect of relation and they who resides along the stream of Yamuna never miss this great opportunity to en-cash with,

Obeisance to you, O Yum-the wonderful Brother of Devi Yamuna who ever respect the dignity of sister at its foremost,

Obeisance to you, O Devi Yamuna, please accept my humble homage on the occasion,

May Lord bless all,
Thanks please